Navigating Through the Landscape of Life

Business success/motivation concept: red path across labyrinth on white surface

Discerning information to convert facts into wisdom; thereby, becoming an “Authority of Experience” (Part I)

Written by Tyrone K. Jackson
Edited by M. Tracy Plourde

Navigating the landscape of life is our personal journey into the adventure of self-discovery. It is how we become an authority of experience through the process of opening ourselves up to our intuition. When we are open to our intuition, we are not acting-out due to our emotions, but rather, we are responding to life and trusting and loving our relationship with our self. This trusting is what will lead one into a deeper understanding of life’s purpose by mastering the use of your mind and becoming an authority of experience and as you learn to love yourself.

First, we need to understand how well we know our “self”. Our own way of being, thinking and our running belief systems.  We have to recognize the degrees of internal self-programming that is running our thoughts and therefore, running our life-making decisions. The decisions we make are not always blatant or obvious.  The self-programmed thoughts running in the background of our mind seem to make most decisions without our knowing. It runs mostly in a stealth mode, hidden and subtly executing karmas (actions) without our conscious permission. These actions are all run by our natural processing of our thinking/thoughts and creating thought patterns.  We are constantly programming ourselves as we view and interpret life through the experiences of the world we live in. Our view of the world is mostly through the old thought patterns of programming – it’s what our subconscious knows. We view our perceived personal world based on the running of the ongoing processing of thoughts, thought form, thought patterns, and emotional feelings; made up belief. These thought patterns, if not positive, can be like viruses running in the background of our mind, covertly giving instructions to our mind, executing emotional feelings and ultimately creating our attitudes and behaviors. We are literally driven by these thoughts.  Like a computer, our thoughts run in response to key strokes, external triggers, these key strokes are triggered by our internal atmosphere or external world. Simply put, how we view the world is a reflection and projection of our internal thoughts and thought patterns connected to our preconceived notion of the people, places, things, situations and circumstances; our world. Each person’s perception is individually unique to them. Hence, there is most likely unlimited ways of viewing the same persons, places, things, situations and circumstances. You have probably heard the cliché, “you are what you eat”. Well, I would add to that by saying, “You are the thoughts you have compiled from your experiences”, “you are what you think”, and “you are a reflection of your vision of the world”.


What does this all mean?

Most of the time we are not actively conscious/realizing that we are taking in information on a non-stop basis and processing it into a belief system. We get to know (hold on to) an extremely enormous amount of information. We truly know very little about the knowledge contained within our minds since this is done automatically without our direct input.  This knowledge or knowing-of-information is nothing more than information. We can say we know a lot, but this knowing doesn’t necessary mean we are knowledgeable.  The information stored does not compute in a way which contributes to our understanding of our self or anything much, we merely are a data bank storing up thoughts and experiences and creating our own self-dictionary or “how-to manual” regardless if the experiences were positive or negative.  (It’s what we know).  So, you’re probably asking yourself, “What is the meaning behind what I am saying? What is meaning of this information stated above”? How much information do we take in and store without having the slightest understanding of what it is or what it means?  How do I correct/change any negative thoughts stored?


We collect all of that we are informed about and then we pass it on in casual conversations as if it has great value. We pass it on as if it really qualifies as knowledge. Have we become so superficial with the use of our mind and intellect, that the extent of it is, we do not understand the purpose of our thinking minds? Have we lost touch with the value of using the knowledge within the information we gather? Does it matter if the information is true or not? Does truth matter anymore? We are force-fed information from the time we wake up in the morning to the time we go to sleep and then it is regurgitated as we sleep in our dreams. How much do we take in is purposeful for the advancement of our lives and in that how much of what we take in is based on the truth?

If this is not the case, then how deeply do you understand the information that you have gathered this week or even today? What is its value or importance of the information in the future experience of your life? How much of it do you know for sure is based on truth? Garbage in, garbage out. We have become a world of the consumers of information, without consideration for the impact the information has on our way of thinking and our relationships with those around us. We allow the seeds–information gathering from most all of life to infiltrate our conscious into our subconscious and root itself into our thought pattern to become our perspective regardless if it is positive or negative.  We only know what we know until we know it’s not healthy for the self and then we begin to change it.

Due to this automatic gathering of information from our experiences, we have an increased amount of thoughts each day. And each day, we continue to produce yet more thoughts causing us to use more of our personal/mental energy in a day; this is our active “thinking” mind.  We have increased our thoughts to fifty to sixty thousand thoughts a day[1]. …it was once thirty thousand thoughts per day. A century ago, it was very little compared to now. How many of those thoughts are of value? Small talk dominates our use of self-expression. We spend a lot of time repeating what we hear and see without vetting it. We are constantly echoing word, phrases, etc., etc., etc. Don’t get me wrong, it is a joy to be entertained and to share our experiences with each other. Yet, at what point do we consider the degree of entertainment to be over-kill. It is the difference between value and clutter?

If someone were to say to you they know how to drive a car, what would that statement mean to you? Would it mean they have the knowledge (the information) of driving or the skill and ability to drive?

How deeply do we understand ourselves or is it only that we hold a superficial understanding of who we are? So, the gathering of thoughts may cause use to spend less time in identifying our own state of being and keep us from living our lives which will nourish us into fullness. What it is that will nourish us, nurtures us also?  How do you get to a place where the thoughts that your sub-conscious is storing are beneficial to your well-being? How do you reprogram the old thoughts/behaviors?


Discernment is experienced from the view of being consciously self aware. It is a value of self-love. This is when we are aware of our relationship with life and are conscious of the thought patterns which we are engaged in while having any type of experiences with life.  This allows us to have life experiences and only take in what is a guide for our self-development. We discern what is important for our growth and allow for the packaging of the experience not to have an emotional impact on us. Doing so is what allows us to separate the gems from the garbage and have a mind full of treasure, not waste.

Discernment is not an act of judgment; it is an act of understanding from a non-emotional view. Discernment allows an individual to see what is happening before him/her without being influenced by the situation; from a place of innocence. From this place of innocence, one can see and understand the learning/test without reacting to it. This is the first step to becoming an “Authority of Experience.”

Through our life we tend to take in so much through our day; to think too much. The gift is to learn to view life with a more informed mind, a clearer way of thinking. Then your mind would not become so cluttered with thoughts and leave you tired from all that thinking. What is important to you? How much time alone do you give to understanding your own skills for thinking? This is of great value. When we understand our thought process through clear focused thinking, our minds become much less cluttered. How much garage do you collect in a day? And how much of what you have collected make it easier for you to think clearly? What is the value of your thought? Don’t you think you ought to know?

At the end of the day, how do you clear out the clutter from the day that is not needed and how do you reprogram what has already been collected?

As I mentioned, discernment is the first step.  When you practice discernment throughout your everyday life and experiences, you will be begin to change your thoughts and begin to overwrite the thoughts stored with new thoughts.   You will begin to recognize patterns in your behavior and belief systems which may or may not be healthy.  For those patterns that are not healthy, recognize them and then choose to respond differently the next time the similar experience occurs and this will begin the process of changing your thoughts and your stored “how-to manual”.  For those thoughts that are deep rooted and need extensive reprogramming, a Life Coach (for learning & experiencing the power of self-Love) will focus on assisting individuals as they navigate through life to discover their inner strength and deepen their understanding of self-love. One of personal goals as Life Coach is guide you through this process.


The True Self is Love

Love must be at the center of a healthy foundation, as well as overall relationship we have with the self, before we can share love with the rest of the world. We must own our own love first.

This, the love I speak of, is the one we mostly deny our-selves. This love is the love we have closed-off from radiating vibrantly within ourselves, as we close off our heart, our love, to others and inevitable to ourselves. We are, and therefore have, the love we strive ourselves from having.

In order to have a healthy supportive relationship with our-self, love must be at the core of our experiences. Love must be at the foundation and the central pillar to build an honest and self-nurturing relationship with our-self. To deny ourselves this love leads us to emotional, mental, and/or physical peril. The love I speak of is self-love, which is the mother of all other love expressed from the self outwardly into the world.

To understand love as self-love, we must first understand love itself. This is where most of us fall short. Perhaps it is due to spending too much time and energy searching for love to satisfy the self, outside of our-self, out there and around us, in other people or other things. This is an impossible search. We can find the qualities of love around us, but we will not find love itself. Like the song says, “looking for love in all the wrong places”. Love isn’t a thing for us to search for. So, how can it ever be found anywhere? It isn’t anything that can be used. It is to be experienced through expressing it. It is a vibrant energy waiting to be called front from our core, from the self, to be expressed and experienced. The most interesting aspect of love, since it cannot be lost or found, is it is always there to be expressed and experience.

Love is the vibrating radiate energy of life. It is this life force healing radiate energy we have lost touch with, and seek outside of our self; when it is our life itself.  It isn’t often we allow who we believe our-self to be, the opportunity to recognize the beauty of the radiance we have lock-down away from our self-awareness and from the world. We have come to believe love is found outside of the self, from somebody or something. We believe we can only experience when somebody or something give it to us. We could be so wrong. Love truly is an inside job. It is impossible to get love from the outside in. Yes, we can feel the radiant beauty of another love, their lovingness. We can even experience their love from them being loving. Even with all that experience, we cannot have their love. Yes, it is quite a wondrous experience to be in the light of a loving person or to be on the receiving end of one’s loving express.

What typically happen with the experience of experiencing another’s loving radiates or action is it triggers an opening of our core, of our heart, and we let our love come out from where we have hidden it. I know that sound quite weird. Yet, that is the truth, we let our love out from where we have hidden it.


Love is a Healing Power

Love is the most unifying, healing, and powerful energy there is! We beings of love have lost our way, as we seem to come into fear much, much more than coming into the love we seek.  Why is this? Isn’t it loving that is at the core of who we are? If you were asked to choose between being loving or hateful… do I even have to ask which one you would choose? IT IS LOVE, that is the energy of being, which brings forth all creations into life. Love is the spiritually emanating energy of truth and light. So, why is it we search for it instead of expressing what we already process? We do not need to possess it from some external means, because we are it. I find this to be a most important question. Why are we not opening ourselves up to the expressions of love radiating from the core of our being. Instead we expect it to be given to us; as we search relentlessly outside of ourselves for it.

It is that we have forgotten about our sweet experiences of self-love. Isn’t it self-love which allows us to recognize the beauty which lies within. Isn’t it self-love which nurtures the self, forgives the self compassionately, guides the self within the experience of being loved and being loving; within the experience of belonging to the self, in lovingness for love’s sake. That is for the sake of the self. This is freedom born out of the truth of love and appreciation for the self, as we are fallible embody souls playing our roles as human being.

To be love for the self is to be the healing each of us personally needs for our-selves. All the fear and pain we experience daily is due to an absent of our own self-lovingness.  Wont you be the love for you, which you have been searching for? I believe you deserve your own love. Let your love shine to experience your own lovingness!

Please take the time to answer the three simple question:

Peace is Experienced from the Inside to Spread it Out

Peace Isn’t There in your Searching Outside of YourSelf

It is There if You Have Taken Yourself Inside to the Still & Silence Core; to meet YourSelf

Peace is not about the conditions you are surrounded with.

It is Singularly about the condition of our inner conscious state of (((((being))))).

We are the (((((peace))))). Be-in peace so it may flow out.

Move into that, which you are, the source of the fragrance of peace.

Create an atmosphere of Peace.

Can you think peaceful thoughts throughout the day?

After all it is with “your mind” YOU are doing the thinking!

“Honoring the Self is presented in a Peaceful State of Being”

It is a personal responsibility to love the self,

though caring for the Self as a Peaceful Being.

In the Silence of the Mind

Take the Time to Unplug Your Mind…

Meditation is a way to immerse yourself in the intimate silence of self-acceptance and PEACE. Entering this silence is first step to aligning with our inner core to enter into the innocent space of self-acceptance. This silence is where courage is fostered and our dreams our stored, ready to spring forth as the answers to our future. This is the silence which connects us to the uni-verse of creations. Where all sit in silence in the knowing, we are all one, and we are all with the ONE, and the ONE is of LOVE

This is “Honoring the Self”.

Greetings of Love

Self-Love is the door you must walk through to express love truly. Self-love allows you to sincerely meet and greet others without fear, and to openly remain present in the flow of your surrounding world.

It all begin with you and your ability to value yourself and therefore care for yourself.