Awaken Consciousness

The Light of Consciousness

When you open your eyes at your time of raising and come to placing your feet on the floor. Are you consciously awake, fully alive in your living life. Yes, your eyes are open and random conscious thoughts are moving through your mind. Along with what has been running in the background of your mind from the day before. Autopilot most likely is running on some level. Yet, with all of this taking place, are you truly consciously awake. Well, where are you in all of this taking which is taking place? Where is the you that is the master of all that is running, and conscious of the quality of how I insert myself into a life on this planet with billions of other human-beings.

So, would you say that is being awake. Yes, we may be physically awake. Yet being physically awake alone is never truly being awake. What degree of being awake are you. It obvious we all have found a comfort zone in our lives and choice to limit our consciousness, retard our consciousness. Which causes pain. We are such powerful beings who are in a constant state of growth. The growth of conscious maturity.

The greatest experience I now take from my awakening on this journey is, each of us are on an individual journey which is to support all individual; as we are a collective. This individual journey is one of self-awareness, and the more self-aware we are, the more consciously awake we are. This, becoming self-aware, is what I find what it is to be awaken consciously.

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