What is Well-Being?

 Wellness & Well-Being is the State of Self Caring Love

Wellness, well-being is created out of a practice of self-caring, the degree to which is supported by self-love.

Wellness is defined by UC Davis’s Student Health and Counseling Services

Definition of Wellness

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.

“…a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
– The World Health Organization

“a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential.”
– The National Wellness Institute


To understand the meaning of life and what it is to be a human being, is to understand and to experience the meaning of “wellness”. Wellness is the greatest guide to living life and it is the purposeful way to come into total alignment with well-being. This alignment is a holistic approach encompassing all the components of the self along with your relationship with the world around you and the planet earth itself.

Wellness is a state of well-being which is grounded in a level of consciousness which defines itself within the integrity and honest expression of our self-expression for living our lives. Wellness is not simply how physically healthy you may be. Wellness encompasses the whole-being; physical, mental (psychological) or intelligence, emotional, and spiritual, social (interdependent relationships), financial or occupational, and environmental. When these life vehicles of expression for life’s experience are in alignment, they support each other in an integral way; as one express of wellness or well-being. This is the balanced outcome which promotes a health life, as one whole being in the greatest expression flourishing in happiness and prosperity.  Therefore, I, for myself have determined the true creation of wealth and prosperity is wellness; in and for living life meaningfully.

May your life flourish due to self-caring loving and nurturing understanding through all your transitional experiences.