The Vibration of Love


We are only free when we no longer have concern about the dissonant disturbing vibration of those around us. Instead we remain focused on resonating our love.

We’re only free when we have no concerns about the dissonant vibration of those around us, as we continue to resonate our love! It is because in faith, we are willing to demonstrate how ((((love))) changes dissonant vibrations in harmonious resonate ones. This promotes a healing and an unified experience.


When we are focused on external disturbance of people or circumstances around us, we begin then to lower our frequency to the level of the person or disturbance, attracting it into our field of consciousness, and into our etheric body (aura). In doing so, we take on the dissonant vibrations and carry them along with us. This lowering of our frequency can even bring on feelings of illness or dis-ease. As we are overcome by this frequency, it may lead to transferring them through our changed mood, and to others we meet.


Being focused on love is a shield and it protects us from lower and harsh frequencies.

I believe there is a better way of handling these dissonant vibrations from people and circumstances. We must curb our need to get caught-up and focused on unnecessary harmful energy. That is, we need to remain focused on our inner peace and inner love. What we must do and what must remain clear to us when we are encountering disturbing dissonant waves (vibrations) from people or the circumstances of our environment, is to stay centered within our heart. The electromagnetic field vibrations of our heart are tremendous and powerful, it’s a shield of vibrating love. The powerful vibrations of our heart field will recalibrate the dissonant vibrations around us into a more loving frequency. Think of this! It is possible for you to help others (and the world) by remaining in a loving vibration, more so than lowering your frequency to match theirs. The wonder of the “Vibrations of the Heart”. It nurtures us with its self-emanating-healing-calm, peaceful, and benevolent vibrational flow; waves upon wave, upon waves.

We must always remember at our core, the spirit we are, it is this love. We don’t have love, we are the love.

When we choose, to give our power away (love is the greatest of our powers), we choose to allow our self to be manipulated by outside forces. We choose to become a victim to circumstances. Believe me I know it is much easier for me to have written that previous sentence than to follow through on it at times. Yet, I have accepted the challenge in appreciation of being love; in respect for myself. I invite you to join in, in helping to change the world with your love too. It can be done, one moment at a time, within the unfolding circumstances of life’s journey.

Namaste my loving friends