The Truth is in the Loving Power of Love

The Truth is in the Loving Power of Love

The nature of truth is love, and the nature of love is truth. The nature of either is not found in attachments, which is an experience confused with love, and perhaps even confused with the truth. No, the truth of love, which is in that which it freely holds, is beyond the need for any attachments. Therefore, the truth, love, will not be and cannot be attached. If love is attached, it loses the innocence within the truth of its true nature. Therefore, its relative powerful beneficial nature will be tarnish and lessened by attachment, which is the neediness brought on by falsehood, a lack of truth.  How so you may ask. Well, the answer is easy. Truth reveals the beneficial nature of love within our honest interpretations of the experiences of reality. This is the experience of truth as love. Whereas when there is any level of attachment, there is the need to exercise a degree of prejudice to possess that attachment. Yes, there will be the need to separate it out from all else and to protect it selfishly for our self, as our own. Love and truth cannot be selfish as attachment is. Love as well as truth is freely there for everyone to experience equally. It is in attachments that the beneficial nature of love and truth is lost. The innocence within that love is lost within attachment, and therefore the truth which is within the nature of love is lost too. Love does not work hierarchically. Love recognizes the value which all things have within the loving understanding of that thing. This is the innocence of love, the truth laden within love, the beneficial nature of that truth is so beautiful. It is in knowing this, the knowledgeable nature of love, the truth revealed by this knowing, that one’s heart can remain soft. Not prejudicially harden by the ignorance of attachment and fear.   

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