The True Self is Love

Love must be at the center of a healthy foundation, as well as overall relationship we have with the self, before we can share love with the rest of the world. We must own our own love first.

This, the love I speak of, is the one we mostly deny our-selves. This love is the love we have closed-off from radiating vibrantly within ourselves, as we close off our heart, our love, to others and inevitable to ourselves. We are, and therefore have, the love we strive ourselves from having.

In order to have a healthy supportive relationship with our-self, love must be at the core of our experiences. Love must be at the foundation and the central pillar to build an honest and self-nurturing relationship with our-self. To deny ourselves this love leads us to emotional, mental, and/or physical peril. The love I speak of is self-love, which is the mother of all other love expressed from the self outwardly into the world.

To understand love as self-love, we must first understand love itself. This is where most of us fall short. Perhaps it is due to spending too much time and energy searching for love to satisfy the self, outside of our-self, out there and around us, in other people or other things. This is an impossible search. We can find the qualities of love around us, but we will not find love itself. Like the song says, “looking for love in all the wrong places”. Love isn’t a thing for us to search for. So, how can it ever be found anywhere? It isn’t anything that can be used. It is to be experienced through expressing it. It is a vibrant energy waiting to be called front from our core, from the self, to be expressed and experienced. The most interesting aspect of love, since it cannot be lost or found, is it is always there to be expressed and experience.

Love is the vibrating radiate energy of life. It is this life force healing radiate energy we have lost touch with, and seek outside of our self; when it is our life itself.  It isn’t often we allow who we believe our-self to be, the opportunity to recognize the beauty of the radiance we have lock-down away from our self-awareness and from the world. We have come to believe love is found outside of the self, from somebody or something. We believe we can only experience when somebody or something give it to us. We could be so wrong. Love truly is an inside job. It is impossible to get love from the outside in. Yes, we can feel the radiant beauty of another love, their lovingness. We can even experience their love from them being loving. Even with all that experience, we cannot have their love. Yes, it is quite a wondrous experience to be in the light of a loving person or to be on the receiving end of one’s loving express.

What typically happen with the experience of experiencing another’s loving radiates or action is it triggers an opening of our core, of our heart, and we let our love come out from where we have hidden it. I know that sound quite weird. Yet, that is the truth, we let our love out from where we have hidden it.