Love is a Healing Power

Love is the most unifying, healing, and powerful energy there is! We beings of love have lost our way, as we seem to come into fear much, much more than coming into the love we seek.  Why is this? Isn’t it loving that is at the core of who we are? If you were asked to choose between being loving or hateful… do I even have to ask which one you would choose? IT IS LOVE, that is the energy of being, which brings forth all creations into life. Love is the spiritually emanating energy of truth and light. So, why is it we search for it instead of expressing what we already process? We do not need to possess it from some external means, because we are it. I find this to be a most important question. Why are we not opening ourselves up to the expressions of love radiating from the core of our being. Instead we expect it to be given to us; as we search relentlessly outside of ourselves for it.

It is that we have forgotten about our sweet experiences of self-love. Isn’t it self-love which allows us to recognize the beauty which lies within. Isn’t it self-love which nurtures the self, forgives the self compassionately, guides the self within the experience of being loved and being loving; within the experience of belonging to the self, in lovingness for love’s sake. That is for the sake of the self. This is freedom born out of the truth of love and appreciation for the self, as we are fallible embody souls playing our roles as human being.

To be love for the self is to be the healing each of us personally needs for our-selves. All the fear and pain we experience daily is due to an absent of our own self-lovingness.  Wont you be the love for you, which you have been searching for? I believe you deserve your own love. Let your love shine to experience your own lovingness!

Please take the time to answer the three simple question: