
Honoring the Self is the Experience of Self-Love

From self-love comes the      tremendous value for self-care

The development of the Honoring-the-Self website is dedicated to my mission for opening individuals’ awareness to “the power of Self-Love”. Honoring the Self’s goal is to help individuals understand the importance of practicing self-care, through their expressive experience of self-love. As much as we talk about love and search for it, it seems we are still driven by our perceptual fear in life. Most of these fears are not even consciously realized.  It is due to most of these unconscious fears we become blocked, stressed, and disconnected from our self-loving self. In turn we search outwardly to satisfy an inward need for receiving care. This empty feeling can never be satisfied by outward means.

Self-love is a natural healing modality. Not only for the self, but for others in your life as well. As we experience love for our self, it is natural to be more loving to others. I know to you some this may sound crazy, but it is true. Love is the most powerful healing force in existence. It is the energy by which all of life naturally comes in to existence, is sustained, and it flows through all of life’s transitions. It is love which holds all things together in its cosmic dance.  It is when we lose touch with this natural energy of love, existing in all of us, we experience dis-ease, and a loss of well-being. The outward search than starts as we shut ourselves off and out from the love we are. We become lost from our-self.

Honoring the Self is a key to recognizing the values of self-care and ultimately self-love. I have come to honor myself through the recognition of the value of my life experiences. Understanding and acceptance my life experiences spiritually has brought me to recognize the power of self-love and its values. The values of self-love brought self-caring to my “self”, as an expression of joy for understanding my life. It has come to me as it would come to anyone, from valuing my life experiences, and from the development of a spiritual foundation. My experience, now, as a Spiritual Life Coach allows me to offer others the supportive need to understand the meaning of their life. In so doing they may find the value of self-love in their life.

These values are endless, like a mine of precious gems waiting for your self-recognition. Self-recognition is the first vibrate priceless gem, and the first precious experience of self-love’s self-caring.

I look forward to you returning to these page and to you experiencing this loveful website. I am here to support your transitional experiential journey into and through your life; with self-love.