Forgiveness is a Most Beautiful Expression of Finding Self-Love

It is Gracefully so.

Forgiveness is an act of consciousness. An energy which grabs you, taking you by the hand to guide you into a new nurtured space for you to live your life in. A space where you don’t have to bear a burden from the past. It is as if the energy of forgiveness, that discovered space of consciousness, breathes new life into you; filling you UP. You’re no longer faced by a hold from the past, facing you backward. You now have the opportunity to face all way, any way. Because now you can choose more freely, see more clearly, and perhaps even feel like you can fly. Forgiven is a movement of grace. An energy of conscious, whose blessing is a healing to those who deeply experience the energy of forgiving. Free.

Life is Communicated through the Exchange of Vibrations

Vibrations Speak Consciously

Consciousnesss is an ongoing processing of life on all levels of exchange. Conscious exchange occurs consciously, subconsciously, and unconsciously or on a super-conscious level endlessly. Life is this exchange.

We live in a world where all things are under the influence of one vibrational pattern or another. All that we perceive through our bodies are the different, shapes, forms, colors, tastes, qualities and more are due to these unique frequencies or vibrational patterns. All that we are as functional bodies, minds, and emotions are due to vibrational patterns. One of the 12 Universal Spiritual Laws supports this as it state, all things in the universe is energy and always in a state of vibration. Yes, every-single-things. Meaning the vibration of one and all things ares always sending out signals and co-mingling with another-thing-or-other’s vibrations and creating new dimension in someone’s reality and all our realities. I guess that makes us all one, This is what make life to confusingly interesting.

What are you vibrating?


Happiness is Being You

Happiness in Truth is in Being the Real You… the real you. That Happiness is You.

Happiness unfolds naturally and lovingly when you’re in the enjoyment of truly being you… and that simply increases my smiling.

Speaking through the Natural and Universal Language of Consciousness with Understanding is Self-Empowering.

The Octave of the Frequency of Feelings into Emotions

Consciousness is the core and natural Brilliance language of souls. The core of all expression, which are subconscious, conscious, or galactic, and our experiences of them are all derived through consciousness awareness. Consciousness is the layers of our holistic reality in its most dynamic expressions of experiential forms – it is the way all things are manifest for us to recognize or realize the experiences our life itself.

Emotions are a vital expressive experiential range. It is an entire octave of conscious experience driving our understanding of our individual realities tied up as one reality. The emotional language, emoting, is the self expressive speaking of what we feel or are touching in life. It is a bias expression colored by our belief system as well as our individual level of consciousness. To be aware with understanding of the underlying message in our emotional expression offers us an opportunity to heal the shadow area of our personality and broaden of conscious awareness; evolve.

Come join Tyrone Jackson, a Life Coach and a student and teacher of Energy Consciousness. Whose goal is support individual and group into discovering the power which lies in recognizing the gifts hidden in our feelings and emotions.  To understandingly recognize the beauty of the language consciousness and it octave of emotions, will enable you to live your life with a more powerful sense of truthful wellbeing.

Life is to be exploded, so we may gain insight into ourselves and our experiences. Simple put life is for learning and without learning there’s no grow, no opportunity to evolving into a whole human-being.

Consciousness is Life Multicolored

Knowing the Flavors of Life

Life’s Flavor is Your Choice

Consciousness is the life stream of our reality. It is the life force which supports the structure of the reality we experience individually and jointly 24/7. Consciousness freely and creatively comes in an array of colorful expressions. All in allegiance and accord to the Universal Laws. In the consciousness of life is the painted flow of existing potential moving through an unlimited kaleidoscope of textures, tastes, sounds, smells, and sights; subtly too. And, it is consciousness itself which tethers all these expressions into our minds, and down into and through the body into life. It is for us, each in our individual way, to make a discerning choice of what will be the flavors of expressions your life will paint, remember it’s always the flavor of our choosing.

Being the Light of Consciousness is You

Awakening the Light of Consciousness

We are the conscious light within being human.

An awakened consciousness is like being a radiant guiding light in the darkness of an active space in reality, which you recognize as your life. The size and brilliance of that your consciousness light simply depends on your preferred level of conscious living.; your story. You choose to either live your life with your consciousness the brightness of the light of a lite match, or with your consciousness like the brilliant light of a sun.  Of course, there are the choices of all that matter in which wait for us in between.

A Conscious Awakening

We are now about to take a rebirth, a birth to Awakening Consciousness

Awakening consciousness is simple a deep embrace of the whole of you into the arms of you. It is the experience of becoming the core of love itself, wherein you discover life is a wonderful game for the spirits we are to play for the enjoyment of it; not be taken seriously.

Awakening consciousness allow you to clearly hear the soulful music of life. Which will take you mind, heart, and body into a dance of innocence. Not naivety, innocence. Where all things lovingly become your partner, dancing with the sweetness of their own made songs, sung by the loving energy they bring as their gift.

Awakening consciousness is a freedom, which is brought upon one by a remaining renewed trust they find they have in their self.

Awakening consciousness allows you to think less, while doing more efficiently, and loving every moment of it. Because all that is done is your dance, your song, your sharing love with all of the world.

…and an Awakened Consciousness sees through the wisdom of awareness, as it is now spiritually married to itself; finding itself to be a whole human-being of light.

Spreading the Thread of The Light of Love

Radiating love’s Light

We are the light who’s treads like beams of love weave the fabric of the reality of our world. When we withdraw that love we leave shadows of fear which deplete the health of our global reality.

Honoring The Self is to radiate loving thread like beams of light into the world to weave the fabric of compassion.

We one of our love ones pass… it is important we sustain our remembrance of their love through daily act of kindness, forgiveness, and loving compassion. It is important we sustain the threads of light which heap to nurture the health of the reality of the whole entirety of our world.

In honor of my dear sweet loving mother Dorothy, and her sweet loving sister Carrie…



I am that,

which is known as LOVE. –

It is the characteristic of this

living energy that are my expressions-

the source of internal living subtle light. –




and insightful am I.

As this is the way of love –

to awaken life with light.

As love is,

I am that of pure intention;

benevolent in nature.




is in all dimensions deeply that,

a burning flame

to extinguish all pain

that is what I do. –

I am the core,

the heart of pure intimacy

and the nurturing power

of true energy flow.

I am to uplift,

to inspire,

to enliven,

to make peaceful,

and in the light of this expression,

my feeling heals as it embraces

aligning others into the same light

of myself

and that is of love.

As Love –

I gently enraptured

in fragrances of truth –

and truth too is

The Holy Mercy of Love.

Truth tells us,

I need not to be sought

outside of the SELF,

for that which I am is inwardly found,

for I am known

to be forever-present

to be fulfilling,

when recognized within the self.

And this knowing recognition is experienced

in that which is shown freely to all;


and uninhibited

The self it made radiant.

This is that which I am;


and I am to be unbound;

a free-flowing offering.

I am spirit; you!

I am the light in you,

which is you

and meant to be

shining freely


and eternally