Navigating Life for the Self Discovery of Well-Being with a Spiritual Coach

The Meaning of Life is Discovering & Experiencing Self-Love & Well-being

Perhaps we struggle with the meaning of life in general as we go through our everyday lives.  Asking ourselves what we are doing and why we are here or even why are we experiencing the same thing over and over, especially when we know it’s not a good experience.  And, perhaps to some extent, the fear of death comes into play, because we no longer understand the meaning of our purpose for life. Ultimately, our struggle with it has become a daily, if not a minute by minute exercise in fighting against stress, while working to create beautiful experiences in our living.  Perhaps we don’t see how our resistance, our fighting and struggles, are what is causing the life shortening stresses in our life; the dis-eases. We have made life into our struggles as we tie ourselves up in so many of our distractions made by external attachments. It is due to external distraction, away from our inner core, we have become dizzy with stress and dis-ease. Into these external and physical attachments, we have lost our-self and more importantly one of the greatest meanings of life, which is love.

We accumulate a lot of debts in our life-time. Financial debts are the one we recognize mostly. Yet our financial debts have little effect on our life compared to effects caused by our spiritual debts (karma). We bury ourselves in deep spiritual debt without recognizing the underlying influence it has on our life.  As we ignore settling these debts, the hidden cost in our life may be delivered in the form of bondages, burdens, weight, and struggle as we lose ourselves to the causes of these mounting stressors. Happiness becomes tied to the paraphernalia of the physical world and its realities. In turn, we separate ourselves away from our-self’s underlying consciousness of living subtle, sustaining energy of life which is the energy we all want to be in because it is peaceful, loving and safe.

You may ponder the thought, how did I get myself here?   The answer is simple, we have fallen from the consciousness, the core meaning of life and wellness and have forgotten our purpose for living our lives. We have become divided even within ourselves, fragmented and confused, by the dualistic nature of what we call our life. By becoming overwhelmed by our doings as we forget how to just be. We have blocked ourselves out from the free-flowing love energy of being.

Further, how do we get ourselves out of this cycle; how can we see clearly and begin to regain our sense of self and experience the purity of love and joy within our self? Well, it’s starts with “YOU”.

Our team at of Honoring the Self present a coaching experience, through their knowledge, training and personal experiences. We will support you in navigating your course to reconnect you back to your core and your inner truths and values. This synergistic experience brings to life your pure desire to experience life fully and freely, in respect to yourselves and others. It is this knowledge-based experience that promotes self-caring in the form of self-love. This is all our purpose for living. It is to live life in a state of wellness; to be a well-being. To experience this is to live without burdens or bondages. It is to rediscover the meaning of “Honor” and to live, yes to live, life in honor and harmony.

You may be asking yourself, “what does this mean?” Well, first we must understand the meaning of “Honor”. Honor is the foundation for living life as a free and generous human being. Honor is the spirit, which lights the flame of courage and determination, to move you forward into our experience of our true higher purpose; an aspect of wellness. Honoring, I consider to be an aspect of spiritual love and respect. It is a value that guides us in our growth and teaches us self-respect and why we need to respect others. Think of self-respect, self-love, as the rungs on the ladder to honoring your life experiences. When you honor yourself and your experiences, you free yourself from the traps of desires and the illusions of physical reality. You enable yourself to relate to life from the seat of deep understanding, with the use of learnt and accepted empirical knowledge, to create wisdom.

Empirical knowledge is the deepest of truths, which is revealed through the acceptance of universal life value gleamed from life experiences; good or bad. Not necessarily through the need to have needless desires fulfilled or through the momentary inflamed express of emotions, but through the self-realization of self-love.

Yes, the search for life’s meaning has become a struggle of material means. Although, it is meant to be a celebration of the joy of self-discovery.   Working with a life empowering coach is the opening of a door to self-discovery for you to walk through at your own pace. The shared synergy between you and your coach will allow you to move into wellness, one step at a time, so that you can experience your undiscovered powers, lying dormant within. These untapped resources are what defines you as a whole being, a well-being; one waiting to be self-honored. This new life of alleviating spiritual debt (karma), will free you from the old patterns which no longer serve you. It will allow you to climb the ladder to your own higher purpose in life; it is a catalyst to your experience of joy.

It is within your power to recreate your experiences and bring you back to a state of self-love and well-being.  We will share with you the tools that helped us on our journey.  Remember, you are worth it and you deserve to be happy!

Take the first step in honoring yourself and reconnect with the YOU that you know and love!