Challenges Are The Vitamins of Life

Challenges are Essential Part of Growing Healthy with Life’s Guidance

Challenges are a part of life and are essential to growing with life. They are for the toning and strengthen of our resilience, as each one question our commitment toward the success of our intentions. Challenges are built-in to the system of our life experiences. Each challenge awakens us to prevent boredom in life, and to stimulate growth. It is our challenges which point to the weakness in our nature, by exposing our doubts. The degree of the challenge we face is based on the trend-line of the thoughts we are thinking. The challenging is not so much what we are facing externally. It is what we are facing within our self; what we’re telling our-self. That is, our trending thoughts primarily and the picture they present in our mind of how we will meet the challenge. The quote, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, your right!”, is a good reminder of that.