Ubuntu is an African Word and is the foundation of African culture.
Ubuntu reminds me of the freely given altruistic and compassionate spirit of caring we individuals can naturally provide to each other in life. This giving spirit of ubuntu is the nurturance needed to enable even a simple flower bud to grow with strength into a magnificent blossoming fragrant flower for all life to experience. We all start our lives as simple flower buds. Have you ever considered what are all the individual altruistic contributions which come together from different aspects of life to nurture a simple flower into bloom, ubuntu? So, it is the same with each of us. It takes a global family within the culture of ubuntu for this. We are all in it together, and therefore we all need each other’s nurturance, love. This is only a small aspect of the living spirit, the nurturance, of what is capsulated in the spirit of word “Ubuntu”.
Holy is the natural pure nature of humanity beyond the limitations of duality as lived from the personality of our spiritual nature. We are multidimensional beings housed within a physical body. We live, express and experience, our lives through our psyche, which is and includes are mental and emotional selves which has control over a physical vehicle body. We tend to forget our higher self, our higher intellect mind, which is the nature of our spiritual self. This is due to letting ourselves be drawn into duality by our ego’s pains, into our desirously physical nature by our confusing belief of the illusion of separateness. Whereas our spirituality is not dependent on what we confusingly want as it gets caught up in the blind extremes of duality. These extremes are not drawn out of the truthful holy nature of our spirituality, our love. The natural nature of the pure truth is the loving fulcrum for duality, and that is it is that which is known to be of all our holiness. Holy, the highest truth is only dependent on itself, which is the natural nature of all things, love. And the truth of the holy nature of love is it can only see the pure nature of the truth within all things as it is beyond duality. This is what is known to be of holiness, holy. That which is purely and lovingly true beyond misunderstanding or adulteration. That is what holy is. Pure truth and pure love centered within self-loving-respect. That is how it is with this planet; we all live on together as one human race. It sustains us no matter how much we do to destroy it and each other. It sustains us as it is naturally a holy place.
Holy folds the far ends of extremes into the middle to create the equilibrium needed to understand the experiences from the place of balance and self-aware conscious intuition. That is living life from beyond the need for fear, because trust in the holiness of truth becomes a great value which diminishes and destroys fear. Why is this? Because truth reigns in a way in which it makes all things clearly equal to all other things as it shows how we all reflect each other. Truth is the place from where all sees life from an ethical and moral loving center fulfilled by knowing the healing and sincere nature found in being freely loving. This is spiritual love. This is holy, as holy reigns with the true nature of love which brings all things into a single place of balance of one whole, without the need for the extremes to be used as a point of opposition, as separate parts of the one whole and honored love. Holy is recognizing how we are a family of oneness on a single planet which is our one home. Holy is the deepest and most honest of self-respectful love for all.
The nature of truth is love, and the nature of love is truth. The nature of either is not found in attachments, which is an experience confused with love, and perhaps even confused with the truth. No, the truth of love, which is in that which it freely holds, is beyond the need for any attachments. Therefore, the truth, love, will not be and cannot be attached. If love is attached, it loses the innocence within the truth of its true nature. Therefore, its relative powerful beneficial nature will be tarnish and lessened by attachment, which is the neediness brought on by falsehood, a lack of truth. How so you may ask. Well, the answer is easy. Truth reveals the beneficial nature of love within our honest interpretations of the experiences of reality. This is the experience of truth as love. Whereas when there is any level of attachment, there is the need to exercise a degree of prejudice to possess that attachment. Yes, there will be the need to separate it out from all else and to protect it selfishly for our self, as our own. Love and truth cannot be selfish as attachment is. Love as well as truth is freely there for everyone to experience equally. It is in attachments that the beneficial nature of love and truth is lost. The innocence within that love is lost within attachment, and therefore the truth which is within the nature of love is lost too. Love does not work hierarchically. Love recognizes the value which all things have within the loving understanding of that thing. This is the innocence of love, the truth laden within love, the beneficial nature of that truth is so beautiful. It is in knowing this, the knowledgeable nature of love, the truth revealed by this knowing, that one’s heart can remain soft. Not prejudicially harden by the ignorance of attachment and fear.
The mind and the thoughts we design for It creates our reality and in turn our world.
Our mind and the thoughts which we design for our minds to think is our individual perceptions of what we desire for this world. Therefore, these thoughts, our thinking, creates the relationships we experience in life, our realities. When our thoughts are loving and powerfully focused with the truthful and honest understanding of their nature, there is the tendency to manifest a surrounding atmosphere of joyful contentment. This joyful contentment will occur no matter what the climate is of the thoughts harbored by others, and what their external circumstances and situations may be like.
When our thoughts are in integrity with our values and virtues, we become aligned with an attraction for people, places, and things which hold the same. This is defined and explained by the Universal Law of Attraction. In turn we creatively attract a world which supports the truths of our inner nature, which is then designed by our matured intuitive thinking. It is important to remember the world is only a reflection of who we are and what we think, and how we think. This will happen, the atmosphere of joyful contentment, despite all else that might be happening around us. We each within a trusting harmony with each other have the potential, based on our thoughts, to create an entirely new and joyful world. Your thoughts, the thoughts which are a design of your thinking, is the magical instrument which can foster this. There is an overall need in our world these days for thinking mindfully with benevolence. After all you are the master of your mind, are you not?
So, mindfully pay attention to your thoughts. Are they in integrity with your values and virtues? This potential for benevolent thinking of loving intuitive thoughts is what will determine the world you create, as well as the world we together are harmoniously creating.
Our perceptional beliefs carve-out our individual visions and versions of the world, creating our individual and uniquely personal and separate realties, and in that we see ourselves as separate from one another. This is our problem, the belief we are separate from one another. There is no separation. We all equally affect each other. No matter how much distance there is between any of us, we are connected as one multidimensional life in a fluid and rhythmic existence on this planet. It is only when we come to this realization, will we understand and come to know what is the power which will unify us.
This power, this synergistic energy of the greatest of all powers, will unify us all as if we were one. It will simultaneously bring benefit to every single aspect of our lives in sweet unison, while benefiting our planet earth sweetly also. This power is identified as love. You most likely have guessed that by now. Love has always been the answer to our greatest problems. That is unconditional respectful love for others as well as unconditional respectful love for ourselves. This powerful and uniquely blind love is not the personal and egoic love which separates individuals into groups. This categorization of love will always diminish the meaning for which love exists and diminish the experiences of it as well. No, definitely not that love, but the spiritual love, which is radiantly healing, and unconditionally and unlimitedly loving. It is this love which is truly the great unconditional eternal love. The Greatest Love which loves everything equally with unconditional respectful regard. Ponder this. This is truly love. Can you feel its delightfully enlivening power? If so, then use it share it, pass it around.
The World may be an enormous place within an enormously gigantic universe. Yet, no matter how large the world may appear to you, it is only a tiny portion of the capacity of the space which exists within our great creative minds. It will always be that the capacity of each of our minds is much larger and holds much more inside it than the world, or our gigantic universe itself.
Our minds hold all the circumstances and situations of our lives, and that of all others lives we have observed. That is all our lived situations which involve all the persons, all the places, and all the things, which includes our reflective visions of the unlimited universe. And that doesn’t even include what we haven’t creatively discovered in our imagination waiting dancingly in song and drawing artfully with creative thoughts. Just there in our minds, simply lying-in wait creatively below the level of our consciousness.
How enormously and creatively large is that of our mind-space. I would dare to say, that mind-space is unlimitedly large in size. Therefore, is it not possible to understand we each are much more powerful than the small acts of circumstances and situations of our lives. Just take a moment and think about that. With all we hold within the unlimited spaces of our minds, is there not the possibility and potential there to resolve anything, someway, somehow? The next thought you will bring into your mind is crucial. The next thought you have is the seed of belief which you will start planting to grow as your thought to resolve the previous statement. Every thought we choose moves into the forefront of our mind, onto the screen of our mind, and becomes our one and only world in that moment. Therefore, take care and be aware you do not obscure your vision from the possible potential which suits your answer in the greatest and most creatively beneficial way possible. You are your world, your whole entire world, and it all exist within your own unlimited mind.
So, what is there in the treasure store of your great mind, which holds the capacity for your benefit, which you can use to resolve, solve, create, that of the result of any of your pending successes? What is there unused in your mind which you can choose to place first in the way of this question I brought forth earlier? What thoughts is it that you use to block your potential. They easily can be recognized as the thoughts which speak to you without offering any benefit and gets in the way of your creative growth. It just takes a single thought of a doubtful story for resistance to set in. We all have the capacity of choice within our great minds to make the choice over those blocking and crippling thoughts. The blocking thought which we use to block the great thoughts which lead to our success. Take the time, make the time with your mind, and choose for your creative benefit. The only thing you can lose is your mental space of doubt and fear and the waste of the potential living within the confines of your own great mind. So, it is time for you to let out your creativity and live.
Cocreating, that is manifesting, is a matter of focus intention, which is the lens of our attention. It is this focused intention, the placing of our attention, which plants the seed of what willingly can become a creation, when it is artfully used as an active tool of hope. This is the drawing of our manifestation, which is the work of our attention. It is this art, the art of clear focused intention, which is from the hopes we are streaming, that is the intentional attraction of a creation into our life. Bringing it therefore into the reality of it being lived.
Hope is the belief in the aim of our intention to which we apply the focus of our emotions. That is our direct loving attention to experiencing it as real. This hope is a kin to faith, and they both, hope and faith, need an energy drive of consciousness to birth its intention into form. Hope contains that energy form, that of trusting and loving actions, which one can say sparks loving feelings to bring into fruition that which is the seeds of one’s hopeful intention. It is this spark of light which brings forth the radiance of light, which sprouts the seed, and grows the potential into a sprouting manifestation. A manifestation of the light of hope of what was once pictured as simply a dream, a thought from the depths of the mind of potential possibilities, to which one’s desire was for it to become real.
Hope shine forth its light and in turn births possibilities to well utilized intentions.
What becomes sustained as a part of our individual lives is that which we choose to *feed and nourish in our lives. The things we may inadvertently feed and nourish ourselves with in our lives are, the powers others hold over us, the negative attitudes of others expressed towards us, the hurtful feelings of others directed at us, the hatred of others spewed at us, the demeaning expressions of others hurled at us, just to name a few. When we focus of what we do not want or do not accept, instead of focusing on what we do want or appreciate, we are *feeding, nurturing, and giving strength to it. We are enabling these things we do not want in our lives to have a space to grow in us every day. What we simply must feed to raise our vibrations are the things of beauty in our lives. It is these things which imbue our life with love. It is these things of self-support which brings joy and delight into our lives. In turn it is these things which contribute to our health, prosperity, and wellbeing.I must add, it is as important, if not even more so, for YOU yourself not to put things in your mind which do not serve you and your wellbeing. Feed your sense of delight and support you have experienced for yourself and starve out those thoughts which do not serve the individual you wish to be. You are the power which chooses what you feed yourself throughout your life. Choose those thing which serve your overall wellbeing. Choose those things which increase your feelings of love.*Feed or Feeding here mean giving a particular thought an elevate place in our mind.
The power of your loving presence is a most valuable gift to give to others, and a loving gift to yourself of the true experience of your own loving healing presence. It is an experienced which occurs when the presence of our love is shared fully without expectations. This sharing is providing others with your living vibrant feelings that they are not alone, which will always be shone through the genuine expression of our caring, kindness, and compassion. Gifting from one’s own vibrant presence of love is the most powerful gifts anyone can offer.
Your loving presence has power, no matter how or in what way that presence is provided to others. No matter if it comes in the subtle form of powerful and mindful thoughtful loving vibrations, or through a message or supportive phone call, or by your in-person supportive friendship. When we express our loving feeling presence out of our unconditional love, it is a gift which promotes healing on some level. The unexpected consequences of this gift is it naturally promotes healing in you the provider of the gift as well. We must be as love is to truly give love, and it is in this, that of being a being of loveliness, we can provide the wonder of love’s healing powers. True expressions of love come at no cost; it is of its nature to only be a benefit to the world. Of course, that is when love is given as freely as love does exist, that is unlimitedly free and unattached, it comes without strings to bind anyone or anything. It is just giving freely of itself without any conditions as it is a natural reward unto itself. This natural self-nurturing state of love is in the experience of itself, especially when it can give itself to another who is feeling alone. Love is our free super empowering gift which provides comfort and healing to other and ourselves, and a lot, lot more.
Within us all there is the potential for becoming angelic light. That angelic light, that potential is a living spark, and with its radiant loving consciousness is always sparkling in us. All it takes is learning to get out of our own way, so the spark within the nature of our consciousness becomes a luminous free flowing loving light. An angel needs not to be motivated by the things of life. Angels willingly and naturally reveal their light to all things in life. Theirs’ is the synergistic light of consciousness freely flowing the radiance of healing love to all. An angel’s love knows no bounds. It is free by nature and is most blissfully delighted in giving of itself, that is of giving love freely.
There are no obstacles to impede an angel’s love. An angel’s love is by nature the remover of obstacles, which are seeded by desires in the egoic nature of human minds. The mind of an angel is its intellect, that is its radiant light. Its radiance is beyond the nature of the darkened smallness of the limitations of a human mind. That is why to reveal the spark of an angel in you as radiance you must first get out of the way of the hindrance of your smallness. You must absolve the shadows of thoughts which bind you to fear, doubt, and limiting uncertainty. This will reveal your angelic light, your awesome radiance of assurity, your unconditional love for nurturing.
Yes, there is an angel waiting in each of us to be born to freely shine the radiance of its light. It is now the time to allow our inner lights to break free from the shadows of the confining mind like cocoon of a caterpillar like life of smallness. We can all break free from the darkened smallness of the small mindedness of a frighten human. We all can break free into the radiant brilliance of that of our higher being-self, which has been cocooned within the shallowness of our egoic humanness. We all must break free to emerge as a free flying butterfly, as an enlighten human with angelic radiant free flowing loving light. Of course, first we must learn to get out of our own way. Yes, you must get out of your own way.
Honoring the Self – Coaching for Living an Empowered Life.