So, What’s in Your Mind?

So, What in Your Mind?

The World may be an enormous place within an enormously gigantic universe. Yet, no matter how large the world may appear to you, it is only a tiny portion of the capacity of the space which exists within our great creative minds.  It will always be that the capacity of each of our minds is much larger and holds much more inside it than the world, or our gigantic universe itself.

Our minds hold all the circumstances and situations of our lives, and that of all others lives we have observed. That is all our lived situations which involve all the persons, all the places, and all the things, which includes our reflective visions of the unlimited universe. And that doesn’t even include what we haven’t creatively discovered in our imagination waiting dancingly in song and drawing artfully with creative thoughts. Just there in our minds, simply lying-in wait creatively below the level of our consciousness.

How enormously and creatively large is that of our mind-space. I would dare to say, that mind-space is unlimitedly large in size. Therefore, is it not possible to understand we each are much more powerful than the small acts of circumstances and situations of our lives. Just take a moment and think about that. With all we hold within the unlimited spaces of our minds, is there not the possibility and potential there to resolve anything, someway, somehow? The next thought you will bring into your mind is crucial. The next thought you have is the seed of belief which you will start planting to grow as your thought to resolve the previous statement. Every thought we choose moves into the forefront of our mind, onto the screen of our mind, and becomes our one and only world in that moment. Therefore, take care and be aware you do not obscure your vision from the possible potential which suits your answer in the greatest and most creatively beneficial way possible. You are your world, your whole entire world, and it all exist within your own unlimited mind.

So, what is there in the treasure store of your great mind, which holds the capacity for your benefit, which you can use to resolve, solve, create, that of the result of any of your pending successes? What is there unused in your mind which you can choose to place first in the way of this question I brought forth earlier? What thoughts is it that you use to block your potential. They easily can be recognized as the thoughts which speak to you without offering any benefit and gets in the way of your creative growth. It just takes a single thought of a doubtful story for resistance to set in. We all have the capacity of choice within our great minds to make the choice over those blocking and crippling thoughts. The blocking thought which we use to block the great thoughts which lead to our success. Take the time, make the time with your mind, and choose for your creative benefit. The only thing you can lose is your mental space of doubt and fear and the waste of the potential living within the confines of your own great mind. So, it is time for you to let out your creativity and live.

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