When we realize the highest education, which gives us the highest recognizable certification for our education is life, we start paying closer attention to what life is presenting to us daily. Why? Because our experiences will assuredly be on the upcoming life quiz, and will definitely, at least some portion of it, that of our past experiences, will be on the final exam. Life is our classroom, wherein as we age, we are given the opportunities to progress with maturity, based on the skills we have acquired through our past experiences. The subjects are plentiful, which must be managed directly through the main four life subjects, which are physical strength and endurance, emotional strength and endurance, mental strength and endurance, and spiritual awareness or religious understanding.
It is up to each of us, based on the life syllabus we are given (gestation, birth, and the circumstance and situation of your family of orientation) to learn the art of living life harmoniously with all the other students of life. If you take a moment and reflect on your life’s experiences, you will be able to determine your personal syllabus and curriculum for learning, which pertains to your individual life. Once you have discerned the particulars, and understand the premises for them, it is good to start reflecting. Reflecting on those life quizzes and tests you have taken, and what are the skills you have learned and what more skills you need to learn. Here is where you have the opportunity to become more self- aware, for most likely the experiences, the life labs situations, the circumstances for those your life experiences, will be on some future test. Remember life doesn’t do it to you, it does it for you, so you can become educated in “the art of living an empowered life”. That’s a wonderful master’s degree to have.
Resilience is a gift of self-knowledge given to us by our self-love. As we accept this gift from our self, we naturally accept the experiences we face in life as experiences which wishes to grow us, to mature us. Therefore, resilience is the power of loving knowledge which comes from our own nurturance, our own self-caring, our own encouragement. Life will always be no more or no less than what it is, or what it is presenting to us at any given moment. Like in any classroom, such as life is our classroom, there is always something to learn, something which comes to remold us, to make us a better individual for our future. Resilience finds its purpose in that. Resilience is the inspiration which is always there to lift us up and dust us off if needed. Resilience tends to any wounds and even works to heal them. Resilience is the part of you, living inside of you, that can’t help but love you. So, why not let resilience love you? Why not let resilience care for you as no one else can? Resilience is your bestest of friends. Hello resilience, I am so glad you’re here. Be resilient, start today in honor and love of yourself.
Taste what comes into your ears thoroughly before you decide to masticate it with your thoughts and digest it in your mind as a factual belief. It must have the enjoyable natural unadulterated taste of truth which greatly differs from false facts. Sometimes the smell alone notifies you that something is awfully rotten about the sound of it, the truth of it. There is the natural discerning taste recognized in the best of all informative foods. Healthy known fact-based informative reality food is greatly acknowledged for evolving our mental understanding and evolving our consciousness concerning reality. Facts of the that is what is real. Healthy is the truth served without the taste of today’s additives, false dyes, or other adulterating additive of lies, will absolutely sustain conscious growth and a healthy global reality.
When biting into what you suppose is factual, before you are to take it in and digest it, it is important to know something of what you are about to take belief in. Do you know what reality food you are about to absorb to make it into a part of you, your reality? You must have a sense of what you are about to eat when biting into what is called factual. What you are about to take deliberate discernable bite size pieces of to acquire a good feel for its potential truthful taste. You must chew it well to mix it thoroughly with discernment. This is to bring out the known understanding flavor of facts recognized by a truthful and knowledgeable tested palate. Chewing is a means for producing a clarifying examination of the quality of the information being served to you. After chewing the information thoroughly with a mixture your own informed knowledgeable thinking. Then it is safe to swallow the well chewed facts, moving them along through your belief system of mental digestion and established basic for truth.
Mental digestion is not a thing to take likely. Particularly in today’s environment of high calory empty processed false facts which can leave you with a big head and a heavy mind. One must be sure what they are choosing to digest will not contaminate their mental system of reality. Chewing well is the art of investigating what is claimed as constituted facts from what you have determined and can acknowledged as the truth. True truth, recognizable facts, is the vitamins, mineral, and other nutrients of life constituted in proven facts; the truth as is established by the reality of the facts. It is this constituted facts of truth which support and sustains the growth of a healthy person, family, community, country, and all the societies of reality living together on this globe. If it does not sustain and promote the healthy unified nourishing growth of humanity, it is just the corrupting spin of prefabricated sugary false truths with empty calories which initially gives you a false sense of security and then leaves you in the illusion of an empty lie. Eventually it will foster some form of dis-ease to corrupt your reality and render you blind.
A knowledgeable mental processing digestive system determines if the known facts support what is stated to you. If they hold true, they are genuinely good for the mind, and will not cause any mental souring to upset or constipate the systems of your evolving consciousness of a unified harmonious reality. There will not be the slow mental poisoning perpetrated by any false narrative or conspiracy theories. When facts are in question established truths makes it easy to discern what the real or true facts are. Sometimes information which is called or pass off for facts can easily upset and nauseate our system causing a discerning consciousness to reject it. It is important to know the source of what you’re eating. What you choose to take in as truth.
The regurgitating of the false facts, recognizing the non-factual story, and clearing it out of your mental operating system of believable discerning thoughts is most imperative. This expulsion of falsehood keeps you in sync with the high vibration of our evolving global reality. It is even better to become wise enough not to take in the smell or taste of perfumed illusions. Not to take in or be entertained by lies at all, not to lower your vibrations with falsehoods. When facts are full of nourishing truths, universally supported by the discernible and substantiated existence of knowledge found in consensus reality, they will strengthen the consciousness of your inner vision with a gained intuitive maturity aligned with evolving humanity. These so-called-facts of someone’s alternate reality, which may seem to taste great initially, are the processed-empty-calories of false stories. They are the sugary false stories which feed and lure your hungry and fearful desires, but do not at all feed or evolve your consciousness of mind. These empty factual foods absent of the nourishment of truth will end-up polluting your mind and will give you the mental heart burn of gas-filled lies.
So, enjoy eating the healthy informative foods of substantiated facts, which are align with tangible knowledge based in truisms, proven by informed research. These trues of facts are healthy as well as good. Oh, and then there is the desserts which differ from fact foods, which is good humor. That which comes as a taste of laughter is good for you too. Bon appétit enjoy eating to inform your mental reality with well-informed proven factual foods.
Of course the words you speak must be of the best quality of factual truth. Especial if you expect other to eat and digest them.
When we run from fear we’re trying to escape the thoughts of our own mind.
you aware of your everyday relationship with fear? Fear is one of our many
different daily dance partners. Not that we may even recognize we’re doing the
fear dance to whatever situation we’re facing. Yet fear is a choice point which
stirs our life into a point of potential growth. Depending on whatever choice
we make of course determines if we grow or not.
does fear want from us?
is consciousness itself expressing the need for us to be alert instantaneously.
No lag time, to be alert immediately. It is this fear, our protective unconscious
expression of energy, which comes to be manifest in our mind, brain, and body.
It comes to shake us acutely wide awake. It like hearing, BANG WITH FLASHING
LIGHTS! WAKE-UP this is your BE ALERT call. For you are now entering into a
situation were your not prepared in that moment to face. It is this, a bright
blinking like light in the darkness of lack of understanding which is calling
for us to PAY-ATTENTION. It is this blinking light of fear warning us of what
is standing before us. It is this light, that which is called fear which
prevent us from being consumed, hurt, by a moment we are not prepared for. It
echoes out its concern to us. Announcing itself for our awareness. Fear is our
protective consciousness.
Fear needn’t tie us up and inhibit us from evolving through and past the fear event before us. Fear’s goal is to cause us to pause as it deflects us away from any potential harm or pain. So then, after the event we can access what we need to understand more deeply with resolve. This point of fear alert us to the point of growth facing us. Fear wishes to teach us, to grow us, to evolve us into a more knowledgeable understanding of life. Of course, we must consider the severity of the situation and the volume of the fear itself. Not all of the mental and physical outcome of a fear event can be process without professional support. I speak here of the fears we face often enough, as we dance with fear every day. So, it make sense we learn this dance called fear.
We live in a world littered with countless distractions. In
a single moment a person can be pulled consciously and subconsciously into the
grip of several distracting things in their surroundings. Sounds, smells,
images, and feeling of sensations are constantly flirting with us. Every day we
are challenged by new and old forms of distractions which demand our attention as
they enter into our personal spaces. It appears with all the attention we give
to our distractions there’s so little time left for us to nurture by the core
of the self. It is our core self which allows for the opportunities of long-lasting
peaceful tranquility. That is to experience the uncluttered loving core of
our-self, wherein lies all our strength of divinity. Love holds immense power
and when we hold and recognize such spiritual love for our self, empowerment
unfolds. This undisturbed time in self-love is needed for the nurturing care and
maintenance of our whole self. A time to create a healthier intimate relationship
with ourselves. To refresh ourselves in love, so we can increase and recognize
our untapped strength.
This undistracted time is the precious time we need to refocus
and guide our intentions back toward the forgotten strength of our inner self; spirit
itself. Honoring this undistracted loving time is made as an investment in the
self, for the love of the self, and its precious value must be kept. As it is
what provides for the intimacy needed to acquaint the self to the forgotten self.
This time is what will provide power for withdrawing from the torrent of distracting
and addictive simulations and awaken us to spirit.
Distractions volley to infiltrate and usurp space in our thinking.
Ultimately to steal our power and keep us divorce from spirit. It stirs up random
emotions altering our state of mind and state of consciousness. Like a virus it
attaches itself to our flow of thoughts and corrupts it nature. How much do we
truly understand how all this fury of distracting simulation is reshaping who
we are. Without making time, taking time, to spend quietly in our own company
how would we ever know? We easy lose touch with ourselves and buy into the
distraction. We lose touch with our own sense of self-empowerment. It’s as
though we trade our company with ourselves in for the pleasures of the external
simulations distracting us in life. We become the addicts of mindless
simulation constantly searching for more to fill the void of our forgotten self.
Spirit itself. Consumed by the doings of distractions. To easily become even more
easily distracted, and in turn forgetting about the value of the being which
lies at our inner most core. We forget the experiences of the love we are.
We must as often as possible step-out of this torrent of simulation,
and take time to be with our-selves, to break the addiction of the grasp of simulating
distraction. Preferably quiet time where you can find, listen to, and
experience the deeper aspects of the core of you. Giving yourself this time for
self-empowerment is essential. Without providing any time with our own truthful
self is depriving the ourselves with the greatest love we can possible receive;
except of course that of the love of God. Time is one of our most important and
priceless commodities. How we spend our time determines the quality of our investment
into our-self. No matter who or what we are spending our time with, that
time spent, is an investment we are spending on our-self. Why do
I say this you may ask? It is because it is our minds which uses that time spent,
that time invested in, to increase its ability to discern what we have decided
has value for our own evolution. Empowerment
comes from that which holds within itself universal and empirical values. Its
worth is seen in the valued of truth, and so discernment is made easy as it
filters out the alluring distractions of life. This is power. This power is
revealed in the personal and intimate time we spend on and invest in our-self. We
have only oneself to care for. How many things do we give value to and not ever
even consider taking that time to create even more value in our-self?
Great is the power found in the time we invest in ourselves.
The time used to step away from all the cluttering distractions vying to take
hold of a space in our mind. Personal time is needed for self-care to free the self
from the distraction’s demands for attention. We all need special time to
unburden our self. These time-consuming menacing distractions of life easily enshroud
us in a prison of our own thinking. It is only when we take the time for being
still and silent that we can abolish the illusionary cage of distracting thoughts. Our freedom happens only through our investment
in loving self-empowering thoughts.
The funny thing about all of this is we all possess the power we need, the peace we need, the love we need, waiting at our core like a hidden treasure. We have covered up our treasures which truly define us with the torrent of daily unnecessary distractions. We keep looking for what lies deep within us outside of us in the distractions of the world. It is only when we take the time, make the time, to give our-self the loving time we need, do we have a space to heal. Will we be able to uncover what we have lost, or shall I say what we have hidden away from our self. A meditationpractice is needed to bring us to the quiet and still intimate space of power wherein. This is the place where you can listen to your heart speak the truth of spirit. It is the self, spirit, which can never-ever be absent of the truth. It may take time and patience to learn to hear the sweet whispers of the spiritual heart, your intuition. But if you spend time, invest your time, it will reveal your spiritual heart to you. The experiences you will find in those moments are worth their weight in gold. Are you willing to invest in yourself so you can reveal the values laid hidden in the treasure of your spiritual hearts? I believe your worth giving that time to yourself.
Reclaiming the inner peace and letting-go of the outer distractions
Next week’s post is “The Journey Inward to Empowerment and Self
When we realize the power is not in any of the segments of the extremes we hold as truth. That will just polarize us, separate us, as it is doing now. Our separations signify the strands of duality. Stands of truths. They are simply one’s chosen view of one end of the truth; a part of the truth. They are only fragments of the truth. In our belief of these fragments is carried intoxicating illusions of opposition concerning the other end of the whole of the truth. The power lies in the willingness to join the opposing opposite ends together. It is in this outcome the SYNERGY of duality exists, and from this the whole of truth emerges wisely. That’s where the power lies; in the marriage of duality. Equanimity. Peace will be with all of us then; in the marriage of humanity.
From the painful weight of the ignorance of coal to the true brilliance of a diamond
Pain is our individual and personal teaching tool to help guide us through our illusions of truth. It is an built-in alarm which warns us of what is unsafe and possibly destructive to our body and or persona. It is a teaching tool which easily grabs our attention as it navigates us away from the cause of the pain itself. Away from allowing the cause of the pain to hopefully not reoccur, or to become destructive. Although, we don’t always heed the the message given from the pain, be thankful for what it is, a serious warning. It is this hurtful thing know as pain which is a rescuer, as it causes us to recoil away from the cause of the pain; distancing ourselves from it the cause. This is our first step towards safety; which is a gift of the pain. Then from a distance we can safely evaluate the cause of the pain. Gaining the knowledge of its wisdom hidden in the distancing caused through the cause. We must also be aware of the possible victim emotions attracted to the pain. This is brought up from blaming, which usually confuses us, spiraling us down into suffering. Blaming keeps us tied to the pain and from identifying our own responsibility connected to the painful situation. It is a good thing to remember, pain is necessary but suffering is always optional.
Pain teaches us through its direct signals, as it clearly states in its own electrifying language – “Danger, danger, recoil now, pull away”… “Do it immediately or suffer the consequences of possible irreversible damage”. Without this signal we receive from the riveting voice of pain, what would be the outcome of some of the misguided actions we perform. It is also pain which is the motivator. Which when we allowed it can spur us away from the suffering. From holding onto the cause of the pain. It is the abrasive and cautionary language of any experience of pain which can evolve us. Pain’s purpose is to teach us as it motivates us to pass beyond the cause of the initial cause of the pain. To do this we must accept the lesson hidden beneath the surface; hidden in the cause of the pain.
Pain’s intention is always to motivate us to safety. It motivate us to reevaluate our choice, so we may mature through the knowledge gained from the teaching released from the situation. The teaching is a conscious shift brought on through a deep understanding of what actually caused the pain. It is for us to decide. We must decide to grow or resist growth entering into blame. As our choices are to gain from the knowledge of what has caused the pain or to refuse the knowledge and suffer out of our ignorance of the cause of the pain. Such as holding onto the situation. The choice is always yours. Life is like a mother which brings us thing so we may grow. Sometimes when we refuse to hear the warning she brings us pain is sustained as suffering.
Each of our pains carries a critical message for the maturation of our life. It is left to you to learn from your pain.
Once you have step away from the cause as much as possible you can with honest clarity identified the cause of the pain. Then you can identify the belief you carry which lead you into the painful event. Accept it for what it is, a misunderstanding of the truth. Identify how one or more of your beliefs may have directed you to the painful event of making this mistake. It is important to accept responsibility in order to empower yourself to facilitate the needed change.
Forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself allows for flaring emotions to reside in degrees. You may have to repeat this step repeatedly reminding yourself you can learn from this and become a stronger and more aware person through the knowledge gained from the event.
Uncover the beliefs which allowed you to improperly evaluate the situation which lead you into making the mistake. You may choose to write in your journal what the experience was like and what you gained from it. In other words, how was the pain a tool for your growth and maturation.
Do you respect yourself? It is so very easy to say you do, but do you actually respect yourself sincerely? Perhaps it’s that you’re only thinking honestly about it now. It’s most likely not many of us even rarely consider this important question of self-respect. And without truly understanding what it is to experience self-respect, it is often taken for granted. We tend to just go about our lives focus on what’s happening out there, outside of ourselves.
Were consistently questioning why things are happening in seeming disregard to our personal lives. Our thinking in this way is due to our dependence on respect coming from outside ourselves. Not the nurturing respect which is born from within us. We may not even consider our lack of tolerance for life is all about us forgetting about this inner experience of the power of self-respect. It seems like we spend a good portion of our time pursuing respect from others and even from life itself as we complain. Respect from others is not a need which is primary in life, not even needed secondarily. To tolerate life and its challenges it’s respect for the self which is primary and when we gain this power there’s no need to complain.
The truth of it is, the only place we can really experience the power within the conscious experience of respect is when we’re supporting ourselves consciously. That is when we’re respecting ourselves. Then and only then can we be more accepting of life and others, the way it is, and the way they are. It is then all of life reflect the value of respect we are mirroring from ourselves.
If we are looking exclusively to get the experience of respect from others, and we’re not supporting that outer level of respect from the space of self-respect; we are living in the shadow of falsehood. We then become dependent on those outside relationships with others for the core of the experience of our experience of respect. Gaining self-power wont happen this way. Attachment to them for respect will not create true respect. Self-respect is the prerequisite for all respect and is the foundation for all personal growth. Self-respect is a guide for evolving consciously through life. Why you ask? Self-respect, in particular, allows us not to fall into the need to play the role of a victim. This is due to the respect being a multifaceted power which carries with it a degree of self-protection that comes from a level of self-wisdom; a partner of self-respect. This wisdom, this level of understanding, is the essence of the experience of self-respect which provides self-care.
Without owning respect, which makes it self-respect, we have lost ourselves into the chaos of life without the foundation needed to discern the value of our experiences brough to us through life and others. Therefore, it can be said, to own self-respect is to find our own core power which has been lying dormant due to believing respect can only come from outside of yourself. This is a great illusion which causes much of or pain and sorrow.
Forgivenss is another way of knowing the power of love.
The energy of forgiveness is innate in all of us. It lies dormant in the creative flow of the consciousness of love. Therefore as you increase you ability to love you increase your ability to forgive naturally. The world is now becoming blind to the truth of love. This innate power come as a gift from those who are willing to love without restriction. Forgiveness enlivens love to heal. All the love we each express is colored by the manner in which we are nurtured by our ability to love and care for ourselves. Loving brings the self into the conscious light of a more complete form of our higher self. From the smaller, constricted, and more shut-down and fearful-self.
Consciousness holds all our unlimited powerful potential of which forgiveness is one. Love is the consciousness which unfolds forgiveness to be gifted to the self and the world. As a potential of consciousness, the energy of forgiveness acts like real and honest magic as it unfolds a greater aspect of the forgiver. Evolving that individual sight beyond the limitated vision of the hurtful world and what they have falsely imagined to be their self as a victim. This magic is of the healing consciousness of loving the self; freeing the self. Of going beyond the limitations of the suffering of experiential pain and hurt. Forgiveness is one of these gifts. The gift of freedom from past sufferings bestowed through the capacity to love more than previously realized.