The Energy of Forgiveness is the Nurturing Flow of Self-Love

Forgivenss is another way of knowing the power of love.

The energy of forgiveness is innate in all of us. It lies dormant in the creative flow of the consciousness of love. Therefore as you increase you ability to love you increase your ability to forgive naturally. The world is now becoming blind to the truth of love. This innate power come as a gift from those who are willing to love without restriction. Forgiveness enlivens love to heal.  All the love we each express is colored by the manner in which we are nurtured by our ability to love and care for ourselves. Loving brings the self into the conscious light of a more complete form of our higher self. From the smaller, constricted, and more shut-down and fearful-self.

Consciousness holds all our unlimited powerful potential of which forgiveness is one. Love is the consciousness which unfolds forgiveness to be gifted to the self and the world. As a potential of consciousness, the energy of forgiveness acts like real and honest magic as it unfolds a greater aspect of the forgiver. Evolving that individual sight beyond the limitated vision of the hurtful world and what they have falsely imagined to be their self as a victim. This magic is of the healing consciousness of loving the self; freeing the self. Of going beyond the limitations of the suffering of experiential pain and hurt. Forgiveness is one of these gifts. The gift of freedom from past sufferings bestowed through the capacity to love more than previously realized.