Let-go & Be Free

Letting-Go is the Power of Freedom

Living in New England and being exposed to the beauty of nature here has taught me many life lessons. One of these lessons is the importance of letting go to mature as I grow. When we reflect-back at our lives from the earliest period forward, the truth of this statement about letting-go becomes quite self-evident. Just imagine if you did not let-go of the multitude of life experiences and the behaviors they brought, which were a part of your life at one time or another. Letting-go is definitely about our growth and maturity. It’s about learning to let-go of what has become old, outdated, out-worn, small and inhibiting, detrimental and harmful, and even childish? Yes, it is surely important for us to grow and mature, so we can get a better understanding of how to navigate and handle the sharpened edges of life without becoming shipwrecked.

Getting back to where I started, nature and the wisdom she revealed to me, particularly concerning letting-go. Just think of a tree and how once a year it lets-go of all its leaves. Imagine if it refused to let-go of its leaves because it grew attached to them. Yes, it would have leaves year-round, but would the tree be able to grow and mature without letting go of what has become old and used out. Leaves have a particular purpose in a tree’s growth and serves the tree and us well. Yet, letting-go of the leaves seasonally allows for the branches to extend themselves with growth. And as the branches extend themselves, they bring in a beautiful and bountiful growth of new fresh and rewarding leaves. Then it has a new period of flowering and fruiting, as it continues to grow and mature. We can say it is the same for ourselves, that we are like the tree. We too, need to let-go of the old, to shed what is no longer serving our growth and wellbeing, to make room for what is new and refreshing for our life’s maturity and growth. We too can bear the new leaves of healthy experiences, while budding to flower new fragrant insights of a mature understanding. Most incredibly we too can bear fresh new delectable fruit for our personal life and others’ lives. This is the new and refreshing fruit of new opportunities, new friends, and the cultivation of new relationships, and so much, much more.

Yes, it is all a part of letting-go of the old to make room for what is waiting as a new season of growth in your life. So, start letting those old leaves of yours gently detach to fall-away with time, as you loosen your hold and become free. Free to make room for the coming of the new, all created by the power of letting-go.