What is Forgiveness When Experienced Consciously?

It is the rain which brings the Rainbow.
It is the Rain that brings the Rainbow

What is forgiveness for? Particularly what is it for when we have the knowledge of forgiveness as a tool of consciousness. It is consciousness itself which allows for self-love from forgiveness. It allows self-love to be a part of the experience of the act of forgiveness to inspire growth and self-nurturing care.

Forgiveness is a natural expression of the depths of who we are. It’s the actual love we are. Forgiveness is intended to flow as a natural inspired energy of consciousness. It is necessary to apply it consciously for it to impart the growth that is intended to be given. When we allow ourselves to let go of the superficial understanding we carry of forgiveness in trade for an upgrade, consciousness will flow with more kindness. We can no longer then defined forgiveness without the mystical experience of it. This mystical experience is a product of a door which will have been flung open. It allows for more conscious to flow adding the ability to see in a greater way, with greater foresight. Now with greater sense of truth.

Forgiveness is inherent in all of us. It is the shutting down or depressing of the natural stream, of this flow of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a natural part of our life energy and when it is blocked it causes disturbances in our well-being, our life-force, our health. Ultimately this has caused our low-level consciousness of blame or victim-consciousness; which is affecting all levels of suffering in throughout all types of relationships.

When we look at children it is easy to recognize the natural flow of forgiveness of their innocent playful consciousness. Children don’t hold grudges. They have no understanding of it. So, they are taught it over time. We older ones may not even realize how our numbers of grudges grows into dislikes as we go into adulthood. The deep experience of forgiveness teaches us there is nothing to dislike. Just errors along the way of life. A varying in degrees of hic-ups from our misunderstanding of life. Life is simple as it is. No more no less than that. It is simple as it is, and in that it’s easy to realize not everything is for everybody. That is that, is simply the fact. So, you learn to let go and just leave as you increase your consciousness of life. Of course, that where forgiveness comes in.  It is what can give life event more clarity. Which can easily be learned from. So, the errs can be erased as the knowledge is digested into who you are. Who you have then become. Moving you forward. Evolving you.

Therefore, what is there not to be forgiven, is it the suffering from the hurt or pain. The suffering from not letting go and holding onto the hurt and pain. The funny thing about it all, is that it seems as though that’s what is held onto; the hurt and pain. We have a lot we to learn from children as well-as nature. They both naturally allow the loving flow of forgiveness to be a part of their life’s expressions.

What is forgiveness for? Particularly what is it for when we have the knowledge of forgiveness as a tool of consciousness. it is consciousness which allows for self-love from forgiveness. It allows self-love to be a part of the experience of the act of forgiveness to inspire growth and self-nurturing care.

Forgiveness is a natural expression of who we are. It’s the love we are. Forgiveness is intended to flow as a natural inspired energy of consciousness. It is necessary to apply it consciously for it to impart the growth that is intended to be given. When we allow ourselves to let-go of the superficial understanding we carry of forgiveness in trade for an upgrade, consciousness flow with more kindness. We can no longer then defined forgiveness without the mystical experience of it. This mystical experience is the door which will have been flung open to allow for more conscious flow with the ability to see in a greater way. Now with greater sense of truth. Forgiveness is inherent in us all. It is the shutting down or depressing of the natural stream of this flow of forgiveness energy which has cause a disturbance in our well-being, our life-force, our health. Ultimately this has caused our low level consciousness of blame or victim-consciousness; which is affecting all levels of suffering in relationships.

When we look at children it is easy to recognize the natural flow of forgiveness of their innocent playful consciousness. Children don’t hold grudges. They have no understanding of it. So, they are taught it over time. We older ones may not even realize how our numbers of grudges grows into dislikes as we go into adulthood. The deep experience of forgiveness teaches us there is nothing to dislike. Just errs along the way of life. A varying in degrees of hic-ups from our misunderstanding of life. Life is simple as it is. No more no less than that. It is simple as it is and in that not everything isn’t for everybody. That is that, is simply the fact. So, you learn to let-go and just leave as you increase your consciousness of life. Of course, that where forgiveness comes in.  It is what can give life event more clarity. Which can easily be learn from. So, the errs are erased and the knowledge is digested into who you are. Who you have then become. Moving you forward. Evolving you.

Therefore, what is there not to be forgiven, but the suffering from the hurt or pain. from holding onto the hurt and pain . The funny thing about it all, is that it seems as though that’s what is held onto; the hurt and pain. We have a lot we to learn from children as-well-as nature. They both naturally allow the loving flow of forgiveness to be a part of their life’s expressions .

The Essence of Forgiveness is Fragrant

Forgiveness is the innocent gift of children. For theirs’ is always about gifting love.

Innocence is the natural face of a child

But for the children.

When we’re children life is always play, and there always seems to be some music playing, even if it not. Life is a wonder-full place, a magical kingdom filled with laughter and kind sweetness. Through the eyes of a child there’s a friendly sheen, a radiance, about everything and everyone. Everything seems to smile. Even the rain can be like sunshine to a child. Such divine freedom a child processes for the enjoyment of living its life. Children bring their inner-joyment, their brilliance, into life. They aren’t necessarily expecting life to give into them. In any case, due to the beauty of the attraction natural life has for children, it enjoys playing with merriment with any child. So, what has happened. What have we adult forgotten which has stained our perceptions of the gift of living our inner-joyment, which is our inner childlike brilliance. We must remember that we contain the most beautiful gift given to life. That is of being a child or even an adult being divinely childlike. Thank God for the children, they are the brilliant one’s who are holding the light of grace for the world’s innocence. Remember the gifts of being a child and reemerge each one into your life every day.

To Honor the Self is to live from a space of the innocence of a child.

Forgiveness is a Most Beautiful Expression of Finding Self-Love

It is Gracefully so.

Forgiveness is an act of consciousness. An energy which grabs you, taking you by the hand to guide you into a new nurtured space for you to live your life in. A space where you don’t have to bear a burden from the past. It is as if the energy of forgiveness, that discovered space of consciousness, breathes new life into you; filling you UP. You’re no longer faced by a hold from the past, facing you backward. You now have the opportunity to face all way, any way. Because now you can choose more freely, see more clearly, and perhaps even feel like you can fly. Forgiven is a movement of grace. An energy of conscious, whose blessing is a healing to those who deeply experience the energy of forgiving. Free.

The True Self is Love

Love must be at the center of a healthy foundation, as well as overall relationship we have with the self, before we can share love with the rest of the world. We must own our own love first.

This, the love I speak of, is the one we mostly deny our-selves. This love is the love we have closed-off from radiating vibrantly within ourselves, as we close off our heart, our love, to others and inevitable to ourselves. We are, and therefore have, the love we strive ourselves from having.

In order to have a healthy supportive relationship with our-self, love must be at the core of our experiences. Love must be at the foundation and the central pillar to build an honest and self-nurturing relationship with our-self. To deny ourselves this love leads us to emotional, mental, and/or physical peril. The love I speak of is self-love, which is the mother of all other love expressed from the self outwardly into the world.

To understand love as self-love, we must first understand love itself. This is where most of us fall short. Perhaps it is due to spending too much time and energy searching for love to satisfy the self, outside of our-self, out there and around us, in other people or other things. This is an impossible search. We can find the qualities of love around us, but we will not find love itself. Like the song says, “looking for love in all the wrong places”. Love isn’t a thing for us to search for. So, how can it ever be found anywhere? It isn’t anything that can be used. It is to be experienced through expressing it. It is a vibrant energy waiting to be called front from our core, from the self, to be expressed and experienced. The most interesting aspect of love, since it cannot be lost or found, is it is always there to be expressed and experience.

Love is the vibrating radiate energy of life. It is this life force healing radiate energy we have lost touch with, and seek outside of our self; when it is our life itself.  It isn’t often we allow who we believe our-self to be, the opportunity to recognize the beauty of the radiance we have lock-down away from our self-awareness and from the world. We have come to believe love is found outside of the self, from somebody or something. We believe we can only experience when somebody or something give it to us. We could be so wrong. Love truly is an inside job. It is impossible to get love from the outside in. Yes, we can feel the radiant beauty of another love, their lovingness. We can even experience their love from them being loving. Even with all that experience, we cannot have their love. Yes, it is quite a wondrous experience to be in the light of a loving person or to be on the receiving end of one’s loving express.

What typically happen with the experience of experiencing another’s loving radiates or action is it triggers an opening of our core, of our heart, and we let our love come out from where we have hidden it. I know that sound quite weird. Yet, that is the truth, we let our love out from where we have hidden it.


Greetings of Love

Self-Love is the door you must walk through to express love truly. Self-love allows you to sincerely meet and greet others without fear, and to openly remain present in the flow of your surrounding world.

It all begin with you and your ability to value yourself and therefore care for yourself.