We all have the choice of either being loving or hateful. Our choice is the use of our power and self-respect.
Our choices are our way of interfacing with life. All about us is a matter of our choices. The use of our hands also is a matter of choice. Consciously or unconsciously we can use our hands to provide loving care, for healing, to offer security, or to give a helpful needed gift to others. Or we can use our hands for causing harm, pain, and suffering, or for taking from others to leave them feeling empty, insecure, and hopelessly frightened. All our individual choices together will determine the world of our future. All our individual choices together will determine if our world society is healed or infested with hate. So, make all your choices wisely. We are now all together in the process of creating a new world, and hopefully a better one. Therefore, your choices do matter.
Living within the restriction of our sheltered comfort zone.
It would seem those of us who are frightened by the feelings of the energetic emotions of our fears, doubts, hurts, and the like, tend to remain hidden in the small restrained prison of their designer comfort zone shelters. They hide there for protection from the self-imposed stories repeatedly whisper in their minds. The restraints of our comfort zones have a lot of control over our ability to use our minds openly and freely. We must constantly face and challenge the illusionary projected perceptions of our emotions and feelings of fear, doubt, hurt, and the biases of prejudice. When we feel and release these emotions with understanding, none of them are trapped, and the emotions trapped from the past can push out the restraining walls of the comfort zones and free themselves. This widens the scope of perceptual thinking, and therefore opens-up the parameters of the limited frightened mind. With this we refresh our personality so we can healthily grow and evolve beyond fears and the like.
I believe we must strive to meet our challenges in life in honor of ourselves and the potentials of our growing maturity. To do this we must consistently evolve through our lives. We must always strive to increase our level of maturity, through challenging the perceived limits of our illusionary fabricated stories and the feelings of our fears and the like. These fears personally engineer the restrictive retarding walls of our personalized sheltered comfort zones. It is only when we live defined by the worth of a value-based life, can we naturally face our challenging fears and the restrictive feelings of the emotions they bring. It is then we begin to value all our life’s experiences, and it is then we lovingly value the worth of who we are and who we are knowingly becoming. Therefore, we come to recognize we are empowered by life as its partner, not limited by life as its adversary. Yes, life does it lovingly for us, for our growth, and for maturity. Life’s intention, by no means, ever wants to stick us in the retarding walls of a restrictive comfort zone. Life intention is we grow to a healthy mature loving human being.
Looking in the rare view mirror will not help you here.
The Way Is Forward
On the road of life, we are hopefully driving to our chosen destination. It is important to drive towards our destination with our minds clear and with balanced emotions. Knowing where we are in each moment as we drive progressively forward. Each moment as we drive forward our eyes are dancing within the presence of the current space of travel, as we progressively move forward.
As we travel this road of our lives, we understand we must be present in each moment to be able to read the posted signs. They are our guides, along with their useful signals pointing us to our separate destinations. They keep us aware with assurity we are traveling on the life road we have chosen. We may briefly glance at the rear-view mirror, but we must be careful not to become fixated and pulled into the experiences of what has passed. To become fixated in the mirror of our past will cause us to lose our awareness of the clues within our present surrounding. As we lose awareness of where we are and where we are headed, we become prone for going off our chosen road and crashing. We need self-trust as we proceed from the past and toward our future. This self- trust is our acceptance of the lesson we have learned from the experience of what now has passed. We can now with our self-trust enjoy what we have learned, as it is what carries us from the past into the current space we are in. In doing so we can relax and appreciate where we are, knowing where we are going, as we are driven by the fuel given to us from our past. This is enjoying the drive of your life.
Our attitudes, the feelings interwoven with thoughts, vibrate at the tonal quality of those feelings and thoughts. These vibrations ring through us as though our bodies were tuning forks. Our personal vibrational attitudes create either a resonant or dissonant field of energy in us. This vibrating energy field permeates through all parts of a body, surrounding the body as it radiates outwardly. Resonance or dissonance vibrations determines the overall health and wellbeing of ourselves, and the health of the relationships we are in. They also influence the collective vibration of our world.
Each one of our individual vibrational patterns is extremely important for fostering a collective harmonious and healthy outcome for these current world events. When we embody a field of resonant vibrations, we are sharing our natural healthy and harmonious state of well-being. Resonant vibration patterns align naturally with the development of healthy and harmonious relationships. When we are vibrating unhealthy and inharmonious feelings and thoughts, we are creating dissonant vibrations of strife, distrust, distress, and dis-ease.
We are currently living in a remarkably high intense dissonant vibrational state of existence worldwide. Hence the turbulent feelings of inharmoniousness, hopelessness, sadness, and turmoil. It is incumbent on us all to raise our vibrations to align ourselves with a peaceful higher resonant state of well-being. This will help to shift the heavy demonic tones of vibrations clashing sharply within all of our lives. Please allow yourself the time to change your attitude into a loving all-inclusive vibrational attitude. This will contribute to a collective healing resonance. A loving and healing resonance will change the trajectory of disharmony and ill-health, and perhaps that resonance can even contribute to the defeat of corona virus and inequality
What we give is a reflection of what we have. In giving it away we increase the growth of it and its fruits within ourselves.
To Give is to Receive
One of the greatest gifts we receive in life is the self-nourishing return we received from the loving feelings and emotions we choose to give to others. Whatever expression we give to others is the fruit from the feeling nature growing inside ourselves. The more we act out any form of a feeling or emotion the more the nature of it grows within us unimpeded and become deeply rooted within us.
So, our choice is what do I want to give to others and what do I want growing in me. Especially when we recognize we are increasing it within ourselves what we are giving away. Well, for me it quite easy. Anything that has to do with being loving I’ll give away consistently to others, and anything which is not of a loving nature I’ll dispose of. So, it won’t do any harm to me or anyone else.
To raise our vibration to a level which naturally resonates with healing we must be consistently loving. First to ourselves, enabling us to let-go of lingering pains and hurts of the past. We must do so with an overall sense of compassion for our self and for others. Healing is the natural nature of love and is naturally self-perpetuating as an outgrowth of nurturance. Hate on the other hand and its offshoots are of low vibrations and constrict the body, mind, and heart. At the level low vibration pain and hurt are nurtured causing all degrees of sickness and dis-ease. There really isn’t a choice between the two when you recognize what you are doing to others you are deeply doing to yourself.
It is not fear which limits us. It is the projected fright we create out of our issues with the trigger of our fear, the obstacle seen as fear. It is not the foundational object of the fear, it is the structure we build from it. We tell ourselves stories about the object of our fear, the obstacle, and project it onto the fear itself, making it much more powerful than it is. It is this illusion which we create that we actually fear. It is this illusionary story and it shadows, which we build-up in our minds, which we need to be concerned about. It is this limiting illusion which frightens us, not the object of our fear, the fearful thing itself.
By creating an understanding relationship with the object of our fear we raise our vibrations beyond projected limitations. We then can address the fear in realistic terms, without projected illusions, and become successful in managing it. In-turn from our newfound knowledge we rise to the occasion and honor ourselves and our power to be greater than our perceived fear.
Taste what comes into your ears thoroughly before you decide to masticate it with your thoughts and digest it in your mind as a factual belief. It must have the enjoyable natural unadulterated taste of truth which greatly differs from false facts. Sometimes the smell alone notifies you that something is awfully rotten about the sound of it, the truth of it. There is the natural discerning taste recognized in the best of all informative foods. Healthy known fact-based informative reality food is greatly acknowledged for evolving our mental understanding and evolving our consciousness concerning reality. Facts of the that is what is real. Healthy is the truth served without the taste of today’s additives, false dyes, or other adulterating additive of lies, will absolutely sustain conscious growth and a healthy global reality.
When biting into what you suppose is factual, before you are to take it in and digest it, it is important to know something of what you are about to take belief in. Do you know what reality food you are about to absorb to make it into a part of you, your reality? You must have a sense of what you are about to eat when biting into what is called factual. What you are about to take deliberate discernable bite size pieces of to acquire a good feel for its potential truthful taste. You must chew it well to mix it thoroughly with discernment. This is to bring out the known understanding flavor of facts recognized by a truthful and knowledgeable tested palate. Chewing is a means for producing a clarifying examination of the quality of the information being served to you. After chewing the information thoroughly with a mixture your own informed knowledgeable thinking. Then it is safe to swallow the well chewed facts, moving them along through your belief system of mental digestion and established basic for truth.
Mental digestion is not a thing to take likely. Particularly in today’s environment of high calory empty processed false facts which can leave you with a big head and a heavy mind. One must be sure what they are choosing to digest will not contaminate their mental system of reality. Chewing well is the art of investigating what is claimed as constituted facts from what you have determined and can acknowledged as the truth. True truth, recognizable facts, is the vitamins, mineral, and other nutrients of life constituted in proven facts; the truth as is established by the reality of the facts. It is this constituted facts of truth which support and sustains the growth of a healthy person, family, community, country, and all the societies of reality living together on this globe. If it does not sustain and promote the healthy unified nourishing growth of humanity, it is just the corrupting spin of prefabricated sugary false truths with empty calories which initially gives you a false sense of security and then leaves you in the illusion of an empty lie. Eventually it will foster some form of dis-ease to corrupt your reality and render you blind.
A knowledgeable mental processing digestive system determines if the known facts support what is stated to you. If they hold true, they are genuinely good for the mind, and will not cause any mental souring to upset or constipate the systems of your evolving consciousness of a unified harmonious reality. There will not be the slow mental poisoning perpetrated by any false narrative or conspiracy theories. When facts are in question established truths makes it easy to discern what the real or true facts are. Sometimes information which is called or pass off for facts can easily upset and nauseate our system causing a discerning consciousness to reject it. It is important to know the source of what you’re eating. What you choose to take in as truth.
The regurgitating of the false facts, recognizing the non-factual story, and clearing it out of your mental operating system of believable discerning thoughts is most imperative. This expulsion of falsehood keeps you in sync with the high vibration of our evolving global reality. It is even better to become wise enough not to take in the smell or taste of perfumed illusions. Not to take in or be entertained by lies at all, not to lower your vibrations with falsehoods. When facts are full of nourishing truths, universally supported by the discernible and substantiated existence of knowledge found in consensus reality, they will strengthen the consciousness of your inner vision with a gained intuitive maturity aligned with evolving humanity. These so-called-facts of someone’s alternate reality, which may seem to taste great initially, are the processed-empty-calories of false stories. They are the sugary false stories which feed and lure your hungry and fearful desires, but do not at all feed or evolve your consciousness of mind. These empty factual foods absent of the nourishment of truth will end-up polluting your mind and will give you the mental heart burn of gas-filled lies.
So, enjoy eating the healthy informative foods of substantiated facts, which are align with tangible knowledge based in truisms, proven by informed research. These trues of facts are healthy as well as good. Oh, and then there is the desserts which differ from fact foods, which is good humor. That which comes as a taste of laughter is good for you too. Bon appétit enjoy eating to inform your mental reality with well-informed proven factual foods.
Of course the words you speak must be of the best quality of factual truth. Especial if you expect other to eat and digest them.
Light is the subtle expression of the pure quality of the soul. We are the soul the spark of subtle light within the body, the lamp of the soul. It is the inner subtle radiant light that we are which empowers the body, the vehicle of the light, to act. Action or inaction is an expression of the soul, not the body. Of course, it depends on your level of consciousness, the level of your vibration, which determines the quality of those actions. Acting from your higher and greater self is of the soul. Acting from your lower and egoic self is of the belief you are the body. In other words, acting as a lamp without it light is acting blindly. The light, the soul, needs the lamp, the body, to experience this world and to carry it through its experience of this world, this physical reality. It is when the soul and the lamp are in partnership with each other the light of the soul becomes the guide of the lamp, and the world is seen and experienced so much more brightly.
Freedom is a responsibility which when wield like a sword has grave consequences.
Freedom is a lot more than having it your way no matter what that looks like. Freedom is a responsibility to live your life in a way that honor who you are, others, and the world.
We are not born free it is a right we earn as we learn the responsibilities which freedom demands, and freedom demands we honor its traits of responsibility. Most of these responsibilities have little to do with the action which take place on the outside of us. They are the active responsibilities which take place within us. Like the ability to response maturely and not react defensively or selfishly to any situation which we face. This is one of many respectful responsibilities of freedom which unfold to us the power of freedom. Otherwise no matter how free we think we are we are an active prisoner to the situation. Freedom is an inner empowerment which creates peace. It interesting to think that freedom only comes when we are peacefully responsible to freedom respectfully and unselfishly.
Our minds are the sailing ships of reality which takes us on our journeys through the seas of our lives. Our crews are our senses and the mental and emotion facilities through which we experience and express the conditions of the seas our journeys. We, the consciousness of our minds, are the individual captains and navigators of our ships. We each decide on the type of ship we pilot, where we journey our ship and what cargo we carry on our ship’s mental journeys. No one else can determine what cargo of thoughts we carry unless we allow them to do so. It is the cargo we choose to carry and the weight of it which determines the condition of our ship and the conditions of its journey. We decide as well what ports we can enter or if we can enter a particular port at all.
Therefore, choose your cargo of thoughts wisely so not to carry unnecessary weighty thoughts, be light in your thinking, and be wary of pirates looking to steal your valuable treasures. Take care so that you may have a safe and healthy, carefree and joyous, prosperous journey, without any fear or problems entering your chosen ports of call along your journey.