Feelings, Emotions, Life, Values, and Self-Empowerment

Living within the restriction of our sheltered comfort zone.

It would seem those of us who are frightened by the feelings of the energetic emotions of our fears, doubts, hurts, and the like, tend to remain hidden in the small restrained prison of their designer comfort zone shelters. They hide there for protection from the self-imposed stories repeatedly whisper in their minds.  The restraints of our comfort zones have a lot of control over our ability to use our minds openly and freely. We must constantly face and challenge the illusionary projected perceptions of our emotions and feelings of fear, doubt, hurt, and the biases of prejudice. When we feel and release these emotions with understanding, none of them are trapped, and the emotions trapped from the past can push out the restraining walls of the comfort zones and free themselves. This widens the scope of perceptual thinking, and therefore opens-up the parameters of the limited frightened mind. With this we refresh our personality so we can healthily grow and evolve beyond fears and the like.

I believe we must strive to meet our challenges in life in honor of ourselves and the potentials of our growing maturity. To do this we must consistently evolve through our lives. We must always strive to increase our level of maturity, through challenging the perceived limits of our illusionary fabricated stories and the feelings of our fears and the like. These fears personally engineer the restrictive retarding walls of our personalized sheltered comfort zones. It is only when we live defined by the worth of a value-based life, can we naturally face our challenging fears and the restrictive feelings of the emotions they bring. It is then we begin to value all our life’s experiences, and it is then we lovingly value the worth of who we are and who we are knowingly becoming. Therefore, we come to recognize we are empowered by life as its partner, not limited by life as its adversary. Yes, life does it lovingly for us, for our growth, and for maturity. Life’s intention, by no means, ever wants to stick us in the retarding walls of a restrictive comfort zone. Life intention is we grow to a healthy mature loving human being.