Living from Within Your Own Space

Silence is Golden

It is easy to say we are living our lives in wobbly times. It is as if life has lost its balance and spin, and all things are being shaken loose, and falling apart. Yes, that may be the case, but it need not be so disturbing. That is, it need not be so disturbing if your space is in order, and that is the personal space from which you conduct your life peacefully. This secure and safe peaceful space is your inner space. It is the space where all that is you stems from. It is the space, when stable, where no one can affect you unless you allow it. It is a mighty space built on integrity and personal trust. It is a space of absolute truth; we cannot build safety and security on lies. You must decide for yourself how this space of yours is fashioned, that will determine the value of its true safety and security. In this place there is no truth in lies, and in truth herein the only person you must answer to first is no one but yourself. So, take the time to check out this your inner space and to put it in order. Do so, so you can maintain some degree of safety and security during these wobbly times. This safe space is a place you will call your true home. It is always with you no matter where you go. Meditate.
