Hearts or Bullets

Your mind is weaponized with the thoughts you choose.

Think about this. Each of our minds is like a weapon. In itself the mind is a neutral peaceful space, used to conjure up thoughts to then project into the world as an effect of our feelings and beliefs. Shot at rapped fire into a group of individuals, the world, or a shot at a single individual. The mind is not bad or good it is neutral until there is the conjuring of thoughts and then based on the feelings of the moment and their beliefs a choice is made, hearts or bullets.

Bullets come in many different calipers. There is the caliper of hate, prejudice, fear, lust, greed, contempt, slander, lies, and much, much, much, more. There are arsenals of these bullets, and I don’t care to harbor the specific thoughts of them anywhere in my mind. These are the bullets of separation and debasement.

Hearts on the other hand, are that which heals and promotes unity. It is challenging to consider these as projectiles for the weapon of the mind, but Cupid’s weapon, the bow with its arrows of love. Yes, love can be shot from the mind. Kindness, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and much, much, much, much more are the kinds of powerful thoughts you can choose to keep loaded in your mind. It is a matter of choose based on which type of world you want to foster. This will determine what thoughts you will load in the weapon of your mind.

Be careful of the choose you make; you may shoot yourself with it. I’ve shot myself with love, and I have no regrets, it feels so good. Chose to honor yourself with love and a loving world will be your reward.