The Happiness of the Self is Based on the Balance Between Parent and Child – Mind and Heart.

Synergy of Heart and Mind
Synergy of Heart and Mind

Our emotions can be like a petulant child when it isn’t in the loving care of a mature mind; the intellect. So, is the emotionally driven child running your life or the stoic mind of a parent.

Well, there is another choice. That is one of a mature loving and wholesome relations between the heart and mind. This is a synergistic relationship between the heart and mind which develops the higher mind of wisdom; the intellect. The intellect is honorable and lovingly developed from its understanding of absolute truth with-out prejudice . Absolute-True always allows for healthy mature decisions, which make for a healthier and happier life. If not in that moment the understanding of it will surface over time. Truth is the factor here which is known for being grounded in maturity and the truth of love itself. It’s not skewed in the selfishness of egoic beliefs, but in being just. This justness is an aspect of having total regard for all of life, which is the foundational aspect of self-respect.

Self-respect is key in our personal growth; our evolution of the self. It is essential for the synergy needed to merge the heart and mind in a harmonios unit. We have to learn to be honest with ourselves in order to reveal the truth about our self. Good or bad as it may be, at least we can understand the causes of our behavior. Self-respect allows us to nurture ourselves beyond the pain, hurt, embrassment, etc. of our flaws. We can then recognize these flaws are an misunderstanding of the facts of life. So, as we allow ourselves to honestly identify them we can change them through honest, not egoic, self-nuruting. The type of nurturing which builds strength of character.

Strength of character is the combination of a healthy and mature heart and mind working together synergistically . Be patient with yourself in appreciation for all you have to face in life. We don’t always have many of the answers, so we make mistakes. It is a mature mind and a loving heart which realizes mistakes we make can be the needed form of a great lesson for us to learn from. This is maturity forged in self-appreciation. The appreciation we can gain for ourselves through the acceptance of the moments where life has come to help us grow through its endless unfolding lessons. Which sometimes also have the pain we bring from resisting them .

More on this topic coming in the next post.