Forgiveness is the innocent gift of children. For theirs’ is always about gifting love.

Innocence is the natural face of a child

But for the children.

When we’re children life is always play, and there always seems to be some music playing, even if it not. Life is a wonder-full place, a magical kingdom filled with laughter and kind sweetness. Through the eyes of a child there’s a friendly sheen, a radiance, about everything and everyone. Everything seems to smile. Even the rain can be like sunshine to a child. Such divine freedom a child processes for the enjoyment of living its life. Children bring their inner-joyment, their brilliance, into life. They aren’t necessarily expecting life to give into them. In any case, due to the beauty of the attraction natural life has for children, it enjoys playing with merriment with any child. So, what has happened. What have we adult forgotten which has stained our perceptions of the gift of living our inner-joyment, which is our inner childlike brilliance. We must remember that we contain the most beautiful gift given to life. That is of being a child or even an adult being divinely childlike. Thank God for the children, they are the brilliant one’s who are holding the light of grace for the world’s innocence. Remember the gifts of being a child and reemerge each one into your life every day.

To Honor the Self is to live from a space of the innocence of a child.

Forgiveness is a Most Beautiful Expression of Finding Self-Love

It is Gracefully so.

Forgiveness is an act of consciousness. An energy which grabs you, taking you by the hand to guide you into a new nurtured space for you to live your life in. A space where you don’t have to bear a burden from the past. It is as if the energy of forgiveness, that discovered space of consciousness, breathes new life into you; filling you UP. You’re no longer faced by a hold from the past, facing you backward. You now have the opportunity to face all way, any way. Because now you can choose more freely, see more clearly, and perhaps even feel like you can fly. Forgiven is a movement of grace. An energy of conscious, whose blessing is a healing to those who deeply experience the energy of forgiving. Free.


Happiness is Being You

Happiness in Truth is in Being the Real You… the real you. That Happiness is You.

Happiness unfolds naturally and lovingly when you’re in the enjoyment of truly being you… and that simply increases my smiling.

Being the Light of Consciousness is You

Awakening the Light of Consciousness

We are the conscious light within being human.

An awakened consciousness is like being a radiant guiding light in the darkness of an active space in reality, which you recognize as your life. The size and brilliance of that your consciousness light simply depends on your preferred level of conscious living.; your story. You choose to either live your life with your consciousness the brightness of the light of a lite match, or with your consciousness like the brilliant light of a sun.  Of course, there are the choices of all that matter in which wait for us in between.

A Conscious Awakening

We are now about to take a rebirth, a birth to Awakening Consciousness

Awakening consciousness is simple a deep embrace of the whole of you into the arms of you. It is the experience of becoming the core of love itself, wherein you discover life is a wonderful game for the spirits we are to play for the enjoyment of it; not be taken seriously.

Awakening consciousness allow you to clearly hear the soulful music of life. Which will take you mind, heart, and body into a dance of innocence. Not naivety, innocence. Where all things lovingly become your partner, dancing with the sweetness of their own made songs, sung by the loving energy they bring as their gift.

Awakening consciousness is a freedom, which is brought upon one by a remaining renewed trust they find they have in their self.

Awakening consciousness allows you to think less, while doing more efficiently, and loving every moment of it. Because all that is done is your dance, your song, your sharing love with all of the world.

…and an Awakened Consciousness sees through the wisdom of awareness, as it is now spiritually married to itself; finding itself to be a whole human-being of light.