Life is constantly offering us the resources for our growth and wellbeing through the experiences it brings to us for the nourishment of our lives. Every moment of every day is a brand-new start. A new beginning where we can choose to let-go of the useless wrappings of the past and use the found empowering treasures provided by it. Treasures given to us in each moment by life to use as our inner resources. It is these inner resources which provide insight and are the opportunities taught to us by our daily life’s teachings. These are the opportunistic treasures, gems of life, which we can derived from those experiences as gifts to build more lustrous moments of living. Opportunities are the treasures which are always hidden in the fabric of each present moment we enter. We simply need to have mindful presence in that moment to realize it, to discover them.
As one door closes another door or several more doors will open. Sometimes the door of opportunity is simply ajar, just slightly open. Therefore, you must not allow your aware presence to be encumbered by looking from the vailed past. You also must not allow your present opportunities to be compromised by being lost in a future dream. Can you see how that can easily happen, that of missing your opportunities? Are you open now to experiencing that door which is ajar with your next opportunity? If so, as I believe you are, then allow yourself to be mindfully present in all your moments. Have your presence be fully here now in the moment and refresh by the newness of the moment. In doing so you will realize the hidden quiet joyfulness of each moment’s potential for opportunities. It will then seem like opportunities will be peeking out from an opening door of that moment. Opportunities are there as a part of all of our days, we just need to be on time and have an open mind to realize them. There is usually no room left for realizing the opportunities of now, when we are going through our day struggling with the heavy burdens of our past, along with our worries of the future. Remember opportunities are a product or biproduct of now. You must be present to receive them. You must be there, present in the now, to receive the prize. Honoring the self.