Darkness Embraces Light and Light Embraces Darkness
We live in a world of duality, of a balance of darkness and light. An eternally flowing cycle of constant fluidity. It is as though it is the rhythm of the universe. A spiraling intimate dance of light and darkness. It is even expressed in the play of light and its shadows. It is a relationship which is external and internal. Fairy tales, myths, religions, and spiritual texts, all express the dynamic dances of the relationships of the two in character. Light versus darkness, black versus white, and heroes versus villains. The paradox of the meaning of these two dominant influences in many ways drive our society. They definitely drive our psyches. The circle of yin and yang, black and white are in an eternal intimate embrace, wherein they’re in a constant change of sharing their space. Black becomes white, and white becomes black, night becomes day, and day becomes night, chaos becomes orderliness and orderliness becomes chaos. A ceaseless dance of happiness to maintain balance and equilibrium. One expression of consciousness doesn’t fight against the other. They work in unison, they dance.
Chaos can easily be seen as darkness, where orderliness can be seen as light. Yet they both are a part of the orderliness of the universe, of its evolution. Without chaos there could not be change, and without change there could not be growth. Most importantly of all, without growth there is decadence and decay. So, it is the decadence and decay which brings in the darkness. The darkness which promotes the change needed for growth and renewal, which results in the rising of the sun which brings in the light of a new day? Why am I expressing all of this, you may be asking yourself? Well, we are, and our world is, in its winter of humanity in its cycling phase of darkness and light. This is due to the lack of clarity, of harmony, and love among the peoples of our world. Yes, prejudices, decadence and the lack of morals, decay of values, etc. are the signs of this darkness, this winter. In turn we mustn’t fear the darkness, or we will make it seem darker.
Inside each of us is a light, a beautiful radiant light, a silent and loving light, which we spend so little time tending to. We seem to be more fixated on the dance of the shadows of darkness. Acting in resistance to the darkness just feeds it. Instead, we must tend to our lights, nurture our spirits of love and fellowship. It is these lights, our inner lights, and their natural nature of fellowship, which will bring in the new day of a higher consciousness and dispel the darkness. So, do not feed the darkness with fear, which is more darkness, nourish it with your light, which is love. Our dawning lights will contribute to the hope of the world. This is what is needed. Love, compassion, personal service, caring, these are acts of being light. Even smiling at a stranger amplifies light. The choice is for you to be the darkness or be the light. Become a butterfly are remain a caterpillar. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. I add to that, “To be the change you wish to see in this world you must become the light”. Namaste.