The Garden which Grows Our Personality
When you reflect on life and who you are in any given moment, is it based on your aspirations, or is it a reflection of the actions of those around you? In other words, do the people around you have a greater affect on your life than you do yourself.
Our character or personality is of the making of our inner and personal garden. Which we personally tend so it may reflect outwardly the nature of our being, who we aspire to be in life. It is what we grow there, in this our sacred place, we offer out to the world as an experience of who we are, of our inner being. How do you see your inner garden and how well have you tended it to be as you wish? When we allow the actions of other peoples’ misbehaviors to plant their attitudes in our garden, their weedish behavior takes root and begins to choke out the beauty of our garden. We can observe these behaviors, but we needn’t absorb them. We do not have to act toward them as they act toward us. So, when someone offers you weeds, you simply can refuse to take it in. Instead offer them one or more of the beautiful flowers from your inner sacred garden. These are the flowers which reflects the beauty of your aspired nature. They are who we aspire to be, not the weeds.
When someone comes to you tangled in hate, cut them free with the flower of love. When someone comes to you burning in anger, quench their flame with the flower of peace. When someone is starved by sorrow, offer them the food of the flower of compassion. When someone brings to you the blindness of hurt, offer them the sight of the flower of healing. Those can be the greatness of your offering from the flowers which you can grow in your inner and sacred garden. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Namaste, and have a joyful day tending your sacred garden.