Resilience is a gift of self-knowledge given to us by our self-love. As we accept this gift from our self, we naturally accept the experiences we face in life as experiences which wishes to grow us, to mature us. Therefore, resilience is the power of loving knowledge which comes from our own nurturance, our own self-caring, our own encouragement. Life will always be no more or no less than what it is, or what it is presenting to us at any given moment. Like in any classroom, such as life is our classroom, there is always something to learn, something which comes to remold us, to make us a better individual for our future. Resilience finds its purpose in that. Resilience is the inspiration which is always there to lift us up and dust us off if needed. Resilience tends to any wounds and even works to heal them. Resilience is the part of you, living inside of you, that can’t help but love you. So, why not let resilience love you? Why not let resilience care for you as no one else can? Resilience is your bestest of friends. Hello resilience, I am so glad you’re here. Be resilient, start today in honor and love of yourself.
“Honoring The Self”