Personal power or Personal will is a matter of making sound and centered matured choices. Personal choices are the means to facilitating the development of our personal powers. In developing personal power trial and error is a critical part of the learning experiences of our inner search for understanding life. Therefore, success as well as failure is a means to enhancing our discernment of the truth which is a power. It is what is self-empowerment. Therefore, both failure and success are needed for growth and empowerment. They both equally facilitate knowledgeable growth. Both are necessary to recognize what the actual and undeniable truth honestly and deeply is.
Uncovering the understanding of the truth is a practice of equanimity, trial and error, and provides you with the power to discern the illusions of life’s drama. Equanimity weeds out the mental and emotional distractions drawn-out from life. Equanimity prevents you from becoming discouraged by your failed outcomes because you learnt the truth.
So, which way shall I go when things seem so confusing? Well, that’s an easy one for me. I go inside first to consult with myself. I’ll go inside first where I’m totally in acceptance of myself. I go Inside to meet with my personal best friend who gives me feelings of loving support. Think of it, how many times did you fall without becoming discourage by your failure to walk before you walked. None of us were discouraged by falling, even if we banged our head and cried. We never saw it as a failure. We just got up and kept on going. We can learn so much about determination from watching babies and toddlers.
Some personal powers (values) are, self-trust, self-honesty, truth, integrity, compassion, self-love/self-support, self- encouragement, discernment, tolerance, contentment, and courage/determination. What are your powers?