Giving is Receiving

What we give is a reflection of what we have. In giving it away we increase the growth of it and its fruits within ourselves.

To Give is to Receive

One of the greatest gifts we receive in life is the self-nourishing return we received from the loving feelings and emotions we choose to give to others. Whatever expression we give to others is the fruit from the feeling nature growing inside ourselves. The more we act out any form of a feeling or emotion the more the nature of it grows within us unimpeded and become deeply rooted within us.

So, our choice is what do I want to give to others and what do I want growing in me. Especially when we recognize we are increasing it within ourselves what we are giving away. Well, for me it quite easy. Anything that has to do with being loving I’ll give away consistently to others, and anything which is not of a loving nature I’ll dispose of. So, it won’t do any harm to me or anyone else.

To raise our vibration to a level which naturally resonates with healing we must be consistently loving. First to ourselves, enabling us to let-go of lingering pains and hurts of the past. We must do so with an overall sense of compassion for our self and for others. Healing is the natural nature of love and is naturally self-perpetuating as an outgrowth of nurturance. Hate on the other hand and its offshoots are of low vibrations and constrict the body, mind, and heart. At the level low vibration pain and hurt are nurtured causing all degrees of sickness and dis-ease. There really isn’t a choice between the two when you recognize what you are doing to others you are deeply doing to yourself.