Life is Communicated through the Exchange of Vibrations

Vibrations Speak Consciously

Consciousnesss is an ongoing processing of life on all levels of exchange. Conscious exchange occurs consciously, subconsciously, and unconsciously or on a super-conscious level endlessly. Life is this exchange.

We live in a world where all things are under the influence of one vibrational pattern or another. All that we perceive through our bodies are the different, shapes, forms, colors, tastes, qualities and more are due to these unique frequencies or vibrational patterns. All that we are as functional bodies, minds, and emotions are due to vibrational patterns. One of the 12 Universal Spiritual Laws supports this as it state, all things in the universe is energy and always in a state of vibration. Yes, every-single-things. Meaning the vibration of one and all things ares always sending out signals and co-mingling with another-thing-or-other’s vibrations and creating new dimension in someone’s reality and all our realities. I guess that makes us all one, This is what make life to confusingly interesting.

What are you vibrating?